Feb. 1 is MI spring turkey hunting application deadline

Spring turkey hunting applications must be in by Feb. 1! You can purchase your application online at E-License or anywhere hunting licenses are sold.The 2016 spring turkey season runs April 18 through May 31, with several hunt periods to choose from. Hunt 234 licenses go on sale, over the counter with no application required, on March 15. Hunt 234 offers the most days to hunt, valid from May 2-31 and is open statewide except public land in southern Michigan. The Spring Turkey Digest explains regulations, season dates, and hunt units.

For more information about spring turkey hunting, watch this YouTube video or visit www.michigan.gov/turkey.

Beginning March 1, applicants can check whether they were drawn for a license at www.michigan.gov/huntdrawings. Any leftover licenses will be sold until the quota is met in each hunt unit and hunt period.