Before Shooting that Deer, Think Afield

With firearms deer season only days away, it’s time for all hunters to perform a self-evaluation of their own abilities.  Once sighting-in sessions have been completed, each of us has a practical barometer of personal expertise at a given range.   However, punching paper from a stable platform under controlled conditions is one thing; when hunting, the moment of truth afield can be far different. Read more

Auction Items Listed on

Hey bidder, bidder… going once, twice, sold! Don’t miss out on a chance to get some great deals through POMA’s (Professional Outdoor Media Association) Holiday Auctions. Thanks to the generosity of Corporate Partner and Media Member donations, POMA is able to offer incredible items, that could end up being incredible steals. Thanks to this auction session’s donors Hawke Optics, Swarovski, Caldwell, Aimpoint and Tri-Tronics. These auctions end 11/10/11.

We have some fantastic items selling right now on, and we’ll be posting more – several times each week – through the new year. Finding the POMA Gunbroker listings is easy. Read more