Gun Grabbers Want Concealed Carry List

The Milwaukee-based group Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort or WAVE wants access to the list of concealed carry permit holders.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice says divulging the identity of any concealed carry license holder is against the law.

GW:  Isn’t the idea not to let anyone know?  The whole concept needs to be “concealed” to work its natural effect of discouraging bad guys from taking chances.  In any event, you can hear from the whiners here…

Concealed Pistol Unholstered to Stop Crime

A customer with a concealed pistol license in a Royal Oak market parking lot appears to have prevented a knife-wielding man from harming people. David Harold Shuten, 43, of Madison Heights, was arrested there Monday on two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon and was forced to remain on the scene at gunpoint until police arrived. You won’t find this story on the Brady Campaign’s website, but it’s here…

Guns in Schools – Legally

When a man wore a holstered pistol into a Michigan school polling place, he drew attention.  But, according to Michigan law, he was well within his rights.  The law allows a person with a concealed pistol license (CPL) to carry a visible, holstered gun into schools, daycare centers, banks, churches, bars, and sports arenas.  Here’s what happened…

Authorities have determined that the armed citizen was within his rights.  The story here…

My guess is that we may have some new laws coming our way.