10,000 Birds Dead as “Everglades of the West” Dries

Washington –Officials from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) are estimating that over 10,000 migrating birds have died so far this year because of reduced water flow to the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon and California. Officials say the final death toll may be close to 20,000 birds. Read more

Agency Adds Additional Habitat Protection for Northern Spotted Owl

Washington–The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is recommending increased protection for some important old-growth forest in the Pacific Northwest to benefit the threatened Northern Spotted Owl, but at the same time is recommending management standards that could allow logging of owl habitat in forests east of the Cascades. Read more

Obama Administration Grabs for Broader Powers

By Bill Horn, Director of Federal Affairs, U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance

In a controversial new policy, the Obama Administration plans to broaden the reach of the already far reaching federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).  The new policy will make it easier to list more species of fish and wildlife as “endangered or threatened” and more broadly impose the ESA’s many restrictions. Greater limitations on fishing and hunting, wildlife management, and public land access are a likely result. Read more