Berger Bullets Announces Launch of New Ammo Company
ABM Ammo specializes in making the highest quality rifle ammunition using three specific cases: 308 Winchester, 300 Winchester Magnum and 338 Lapua Magnum. ABM focuses on these cases in a deliberate effort to develop the best ammunition possible for the Special Forces sniper and operator community under the product name “Mission Ready™.”
Using these same three cases, ABM has also developed loads specifically with the precision hunter and target shooter in mind under the product names “Hunt Ready™” and “Match Ready™.”
In a process developed by the industry’s most prominent ballistician, Bryan Litz, all ABM ammo has been engineered and tested in the Applied Ballistics laboratory. This includes thorough testing and evaluation of all components including testing of each individual lot of components used in the ammo.
Applied Ballistics Munitions combines the capabilities of Berger Bullets, Bryan Litz and decades of precision ammunition loading experience. ABM’s production process was developed by the same people who produce precision rifle bullets, the highly regarded company, Berger Bullets. ABM deliberately uses the highest quality components and tooling to produce the most consistent ammunition possible.
Eric Stecker, President of Applied Ballistics Munitions relays, “Launching an ammunition company in today’s firearm market environment has been a challenging experience. The product will speak for itself among the shooters as to why it is so important that we pursue this effort.”
To learn more about Applied Ballistics Munitions, visit
To learn more about Berger Bullets, visit
To learn more about Bryan Litz and Applied Ballistics LLC, visit