Taking Odor Control to the MAX
One of the worst sounds a hunter can hear is a whitetail deer sounding off the nose blowing, foot stomping alarm when they have busted you. If you have spent any time in the woods, this has happened to you. It probably has played out something like this; you hold completely still as you see a mature buck or doe heading your direction, then without warning or reason you see the deer’s head pop up and start smelling the air. Before you know it, they have bulls eyed your stand location and the last thing you see is a whitetail heading off in the wrong direction. To help prevent hunters from being busted by the whitetail deer’s nose, Hunter’s Specialties recently unveiled their new Scent-A-Way MAX™ odor eliminating spray.
In 1989 Scent-A-Way spray was developed by Hunter’s Specialties with the aid of an Iowa Deer biologist to help neutralize human odor. In the years following, an arsenal of products was created to help the hunter be as scent free as possible from the clothes they wore to their bodies and equipment. Products included Green Soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, antiperspirant, toothpaste, lip balm, field wipes, shampoo, conditioner, and scent safe bags.
Using the entire Scent-A-Way system gives hunters a distinct advantage over the whitetail deer’s incredible sense of smell. “The whitetail deer is the best judge of our products,” said Dave Forbes, Co-Founder of Hunter’s Specialties. “We knew our products worked and it is very obvious in the field.”
Testing Scent-A-Way products can take several years before products hit the shelves and Hunter’s Specialties ensures they work in the field. “If we can fool the whitetail deer, then we can prove it to the consumer that the product works,” said Carman Forbes Co-Founder of Hunter’s Specialties. “We have tested and seen what works and what doesn’t. The consumer can go to the woods with confidence the product will work for them.”
Although the line of Scent-A-Way products has been proven in the field over many years by countless hunters, it didn’t stop Hunter’s Specialties from trying to improve the product. With the help of a team of research scientists, Hunter’s Specialties has continued to improve the Scent-A-Way formula. “In 2008 Scent-A-Way was upgraded with new technology. This allowed the product to have better performance by expanding it to better control human odor and more environmental odors,” said Dave Forbes. “We knew how much better the new formula worked, but after more research in 2014 we were able to unveil an even better formula, Scent-A-Way MAX.”
Scent-A-Way Max, like all other products in the Scent-A-Way line, went under extensive testing and was put up against the whitetail deer’s nose and passed with flying colors. What makes Scent-A-Way MAX different is how the product eliminates odor.
Scent-A-Way MAX high performance formula scrubs out odors by attacking them at the molecular level with proprietary compounds developed through bioengineering. The source of bacterial odors will aggressively approach Scent-A-Way Max’s proprietary compound and be strongly attracted to it, while the proprietary compound is attracted to the bacterial source. This mutual attraction of hunt and be hunted results in quick and longer lasting maximum odor control.
The research scientists behind the new Scent-A-Way MAX formula have helped develop this line of products for over 2 decades. In their studies they observed a petri dish filled with odor causing bacteria. Scent-A-Way MAX was tested against other scent control products and Scent-A-Way MAX was far superior in seeking out and eliminating bacteria versus other products.
“It’s important to use the Scent-A-Way products as an entire system,” said Dave and Carman Forbes. From washing your body, to your clothes, to spraying down with Scent-A-Way MAX in the field, it needs to all be done with Scent-A-Way to help eliminate and control human odors.”
The proof of the effectiveness of the product is seen in the field. “Just this past season while bow hunting deer in Iowa I can’t tell you how many times I had deer come in downwind. I always try to hunt with the wind in my favor, said Hunter’s Specialties Pro-Staff Member, Rick White. “But deer don’t always read the script and do what you want them to. I grunt and rattle a lot during the pre rut and rut. Most of the time deer will come in downwind of your calling, so you need to have an advantage. The amount of times I got away with deer coming in downwind was phenomenal. Finally on the last morning of my hunt here comes a buck that I had been close to before. He was heading right down the golden path when he turned and started angling away. Now he’s heading right to the downwind side. Even though the wind direction was in the back of my mind I felt I could get away with it. He stopped as if to sense something but then kept walking right into my shooting lane straight downwind. That advantage I was talking about earlier is Scent-A-Way MAX from Hunters Specialties.”
No matter the game from whitetail deer, elk, mule deer or predator, being as scent free as possible will help hunters be more successful in the field. The new Scent-A-Way MAX from Hunter’s Specialties now gives hunters an even better edge with improved performance in scent elimination. For more information on Scent-A-Way MAX go to www.hunterspec.com