PETA Offers to Sponsor Virginia Rest Stop

PETA has offered to sponsor a Virginia rest area and name it the ‘Fishing Hurts’ rest area.  According to reports, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is going to sell rights to 42 rest stops and welcome centers as a way to increase revenue. 

PETA, true to form, jumped at the idea of sponsoring the Troutville Safety Rest Area with the idea of using the rest area to promote their anti fishing agenda. According to the letter PETA sent the VDOT, the rest area “would feature displays about fish intelligence, the pain caused by fishing, and the harm done to water birds and other aquatic life.”  Also included in the letter was the plan to sell stuffed “Sea Kitten” toys (PETA’s attempt at renaming fish) for children and vegan snacks.   

The final note of the letter was a request for VDOT to consider a reduced non profit rate for the fee to sponsor the rest stop.  No word on if VDOT will take PETA up on their offer.