Camo at the Capitol Slated for September 9
Camo at the Capitol
If you hunt, fish or trap, and you want to keep the places, fish and wildlife and rights to do so in Michigan, make sure your legislators know it! Come to Camo at the Capitol to rally in defense of the rights to hunt, fish and trap!
We’ll be advocating for policies which:
- Keep public lands in public hands! Public lands ensure the democracy of hunting, fishing and trapping by making sure we all have a place to do so. Lands purchased and/or managed with hunter, angler and trapper license dollars should be open for and managed for those purposes.
- Crack down on poaching! Poachers steal the resources from all of us and jeopardize hunting rights by giving us all a bad name. A bill package to increase penalties for poaching elk, bear, moose, waterfowl, turkeys and eagles will be before the House Committee on Natural Resources. Let’s pack the room to make sure everyone knows that hunters are leading the charge to eliminate poaching!
- Protect Great Lakes fisheries! Recent proposals to put cage culture aquaculture fish farms in the Great Lakes could negatively impact Great Lakes fisheries through effluent, disease and escapement. Let your legislators know that fish farms don’t belong in the Great Lakes!
- Enhance private land hunting and trapping access! A bill to allow hunters with disabilities to hunt from personal mobility devices will be up in the Senate Committee on Outdoor Recreation, and we expect it will be amended to eliminate the unnecessary 150-yard hunting safety zone from buildings for trapping, archery and hound hunting. Let’s pack the committee room to let them know we support hunting access and private property rights!