MI anglers asked to complete online muskellunge survey DNR employee holding up muskellunge

The Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with the Michigan Muskie Alliance, is investigating the muskellunge fisheries of the state by distributing an online angler survey.Since 2014 an angler survey has been conducted, gathering information about muskellunge angler demographics and catch data. Fisheries managers have difficulties obtaining muskellunge angler information through traditional survey methods, such as creel and postcard surveys. Starting this year the survey is being conducted online and can be found on the DNR and Michigan Muskie Alliance websites or through the survey’s link.
By completing this survey, anglers will be assisting fisheries managers in their evaluations, assessments and trend monitoring of Michigan’s muskellunge fisheries. Information collected includes fishing location, method used, catch preferences, catch-and-release data, and frequency of muskellunge fishing outings.
All of this information plays a key role in proper fisheries management, and the DNR appreciates respondent cooperation and feedback. Anglers may fill out one survey per person per trip and they may complete a survey for each angling trip they make.
Please note, anglers must obtain a muskellunge harvest tag when deciding to harvest a fish. These tags are obtained when purchasing a Michigan fishing license or any date thereafter as long as the angler has a fishing license and a valid driver’s license. Those interested in registering a harvested muskellunge (optional) can visit Michigan.gov/muskie.