Redding Reloading Adds Competition PR-50 Powder Measure

Cortland, NY….. Redding Reloading Equipment introduces their fourth in a series of “Weight Range Specific” Powder Measures, the Competition PR-50 for the Precision Rifle Market and its specific cartridges.
For years many manufacturers have taken the approach that one powder measure would do everything. It is a fact that any volumetric measuring device carries a sweet spot that is relative to the dimensions of its metering chamber. The greatest precision and repeatability is found within this sweet spot, with an increasing level of consistency degradation happening as charge weights move farther out of its range. Broad range measures are good throughout their range and great at points. Good has never been enough for Redding and while we produce two highly recognized broad range powder measures, we began building specialized measures for a variety for shooting disciplines and cartridge types over a decade ago beginning with the BR-30, Competition 10x and more recently the LR-1000.
In that tradition the Competition PR-50 was engineered with a sweet spot from approximately 35 to 75 grains of most powders. This new measure completes the grouping with a total of four distinct powder measures, each optimized for incredible precision within a given range of charge weights.
Beyond and efficient metering chamber design, consistent charges are assured by a precision ground drum, a honed metering chamber and a unique hemispherical micrometer adjustable plunger, which virtually eliminates powder voids caused when using long grain powders. The micrometer is designed to reduce backlash in its travel making for easily repeatable charge weights as well.
Redding Reloading Equipment has focused on building the finest quality, American Made products for the precision handloading market since 1946. To learn more about our ongoing commitment to the precision handloader and to request, a copy of the new 2018 Redding catalog visit: