Scent Crusher Responds to District Court Ruling
From Scent Crusher…
Wichita, KS – Earlier today, we received a ruling from the District Court Judge granting Ozonics’ request for a preliminary injunction. While we are disappointed in this decision and intend to continue to vigorously defend our right to sell a competing product in a market Ozonics deliberately abandoned, we must follow the court’s ruling and temporarily suspend sales of 2 newly released products, the Scent Crusher Field Pro and Field Lite products. We believe this is a temporary condition as we did not begin production of our Field Pro and Field Lite products without seeking outside legal counsel. We produced and marketed the units consistent with this guidance; however, the legal process can be difficult to predict, and the court has initially ruled against our position. We continue to believe our legal rights are sound, and that we will be able to return the Field Pro and Field Lite to market soon.
We maintain strong partnerships with our retailers and as we work through the legal and logistical issues resulting from the court’s ruling we will continue to support our retailers as we always have.