Summit Stands Releases “Tim Crawford’s Story” – A Cautionary Tale About Treestand Safety
BIRMINGHAM, AL — Summit Stands today released a short film about Tim Crawford, an Alabama hunter who, in 2008, fell 25 feet from a treestand as a result of not using proper safety equipment. Crawford’s story serves as a cautionary tale as America’s hunters head back to the woods this month. September also happens to be Treestand Safety Awareness Month.
“At Summit, safety has always been our number-one priority,” said Martin Hill, director of marketing at PRADCO Outdoor Brands, Summit’s parent company. “With hunting seasons opening across the country, we wanted to take this opportunity to tell Tim’s powerful story with the hope that it might resonate with hunters as they climb back into their stands this month.”
After his fall, Crawford lay paralyzed at the base of his tree for eight hours before help arrived. He was told he’d never walk again. He defied the odds, however, and has regained full mobility, but it’s not lost on him just how fortunate he is. He wants as many people as possible to hear his story so that it might save even more lives.
“Tim Crawford’s Story” can be seen now on Summit’s YouTube ( and Facebook ( pages, and at