TETRA AmpPods: Harold Knight’s Choice for Hearing Perfection

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — As turkey hunters across North America prepare for the upcoming season, hearing technology company TETRA is giving hunters an edge … or in some cases, giving hunters their edge back with their all new AmpPods.
TETRA AmpPods are premium hearing devices designed to fit inside the ear canal to maximize the ear’s natural sound collection, enabling hunters to once again hear the sounds of a wild turkey, and better judge distance and direction.
“I tested the AmpPods last spring against a normal set of hearing aids…and was extremely impressed and satisfied with the results,” said Harold Knight, co-owner of Knight & Hale Game Calls. “With the AmpPods, I could hear and locate birds that I would have never heard before. TETRA’s products will always be at the top of my checklist as I prepare for each hunting season.”
TETRA devices are the most advanced hearing technology ever offered to outdoor enthusiasts, and are specially designed for hunters, by hunters. The founders are also hearing doctors having the highest expertise in sound and hearing technology.
“We know and understand that turkey hunters need to hear in order to be successful in the turkey woods,” said Dr. Bill Dickinson, TETRA CEO. “Detecting and locating that distant gobbler can mean the difference in filling your tag or going home empty handed. While AmpPods enhance the sounds of the game you’re in pursuit of, we also designed them to shut off immediately suppressing the gunshot to protect your hearing when it’s time to take the shot on that gobbler you’ve been listening to.”
TETRA’s hearing devices feature patent-pending Specialized Target Optimization™ (STO). STO is the world’s first hearing technology that isolates and enhances the exact frequencies needed to improve hearing for your specific hunting environment. STO accentuates gobbles, yelps, clucks and purrs for turkeys; barks and bugles for elk; and grunts, bleats and footsteps for deer while keeping other sounds at normal, natural levels.
TETRA uses a similar chip and digital noise reduction that consumers would typically pay $5,000 for in hearing aids, and can be customized to your hearing profile using an online hearing test.
60-Advanced: $699/pair
90-Premium: $999/pair
TETRA isn’t just hearing protection. It’s hearing perfection.
For more information about TETRA and its products, and to take an online hearing test to learn which product is best suited for your needs, visit www.tetrahunt.com.