NSSF: Help Make Sure the FIND Act Becomes Law in Kentucky

HELP to Make Sure the FIND Act Becomes Law in Kentucky

In recent years, the firearm and ammunition industry has been the target of discrimination by the financial industry including banks, payment processing companies, insurance providers and others. On Wednesday, a bill was introduced in Kentucky to combat these practices. House Bill 175, the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act would ensure firearm industry members have fair access to financial services in the Bluegrass State. NSSF® thanks Rep. Savannah Maddox, Rep. Mark Hart, Rep. Phillip Pratt, and Rep. Brandon Reed for sponsoring this important legislation.

NSSF needs your assistance to make sure the FIND Act becomes law and there are two ways you can help:

  1. We need real-world examples to show legislators how common financial discrimination against our industry really is in Kentucky. If you have experienced financial discrimination because of your involvement in the firearm industry and would be willing to share your story with legislators via written or in-person testimony, please reach out to Chris Lee, our Midwest Director of Government Relations – State Affairs at clee@nssf.org or (203) 434-4330.
  2. Contact your state representative to ask that they sign on as a co-sponsor to House Bill 175. You can look up the contact information for your state representative by clicking here.