Washington State Magazine Ban Scheduled in Senate Committee

NSSF Needs Your Help in Opposing this Bill

NSSF® has been working on your behalf this session to kill a multitude of anti-firearm industry bills at the legislature and to inform you about all legislation impacting your business and the industry in general.

Last week we informed you about SB 5078, which if passed would make it a criminal offense to manufacture, possess, distribute, import, sell, purchase or transfer a magazine with a capacity greater than 10 rounds.

NSSF needs industry supporters to virtually testify against SB 5078 or submit their written testimony!

What: Senate Committee on Law & Justice
When: January 25th, 2020
Time: 9:30 a.m. PST
Location: Virtual

Instructions: To sign up to testify in opposition of this bill or to submit written testimony against this egregious piece of legislation, click on this link and following the directions below:

  1. Select “Law and Justice” in the first box.
  2. Select “SB 5078 Firearm Safety”.
  3. Select either written testimony or sign up to testify virtually.

Additionally, SB 5038 has now been introduced as well. This legislation focuses on banning an individual’s right to open carry. That bill will be heard in the Senate Law and Justice Committee on Wednesday, January 27. NSSF will keep you updated for opportunities to submit testimony on this legislation in the near future.

Additional Resources:

Click Here to Find my Legislators
Click here for additional information on the hearing