Jump-Start Your Birding-by-Ear Skills

Sometimes it’s easier to locate and identify birds by their songs, like this singing Cerulean Warbler photographed by Jacob Spendelow.

The Cornell Lab’s Bird Academy has developed an informative bird song course especially for beginners, but helpful for anyone. You can build your birding skills by learning unique new methods of identifying bird songs that you can apply to identify the birds by ear in your area – and other locations you may visit. This Bird Academy course provides self-paced instruction in 8 lessons provided in self-paced instruction that includes 24 topics, 2 helpful quizzes, and 25 instructional videos. You can even try a free sample of a birdsong lesson.

The Bird Academy has developed a unique approach to teach how to listen to bird songs in their natural soundscapes. Try a free sample of a birdsong lesson at https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/lessons/lesson-2-high-sierras/

And for all the information about the Cornell Lab’s helpful and authoritative Bird Academy bird song course, see https://academy.allaboutbirds.org/product/be-a-better-birder-how-to-identify-bird-songs