Michgian: report your deer harvest online this fall

Beginning Oct. 1, you can report your 2021 deer harvest online. All data collected helps the DNR to manage the deer population in Michigan. Reporting your deer is optional, but highly encouraged.

When you report your harvest, you’ll be asked to give your hunting license number, date of birth, deer season (archery, firearm, etc.), date of harvest, the county and deer management unit where you harvested your deer, whether you harvested an antlered or antlerless deer, the number of antler points, and the location where the deer was harvested. The location information is kept private and used for statistical purposes only.

This video will walk you through the simple steps you’ll use to report your deer harvest online. You can report your harvest at Michigan.gov/DNRHarvestReport.

Good luck, and be safe out there this fall!


  • jim bilk

    Just little feedback from completing this years voluntary online deer harvest survey.

    1) I think asking for exact location should be voluntary and have the county / township the deer was shot in as a drop down selection, most people I know will not identify exact location or local road info identifying area deer was shot but ok with county or township they hunted in, ( this would prevent people entering bogus locations )
    2) I feel a very valid item not being asked (was deer harvested in farm land or forest lands) the habitat is very different causing large differences in deer dynamics , recruitment, predators, nutrition, deer densities etc..