Michigan: Feeding Winter Birds Virtual class

Virtual class
9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 21

Birds can bring color to a wintry backyard and a smile to your face. The best part? Feeding birds is easy to do with a little knowledge, and we can help!

In this virtual DNR Outdoor Skills Academy class, learn which birds are likely to visit your backyard and which foods and feeders they prefer. We’ll also cover free birding resources and apps, how to clean your feeder and ways you can get involved in community science projects like the Great Backyard Bird Count.

Cost is $25. Each participant will receive a Peterson Field Guide to Feeder Birds and will be entered into a drawing for prizes inluding books and a bird feeder. The registration deadline is Jan. 19.

To register, go to Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses and click on the “Purchase a license” button. Sign in (using either a username and password or your ID and birthdate), and find the class under the Outdoor Skills Academy tab.

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This class is part of the Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Skills Academy, which offers in-depth, expert instruction, gear and hands-on learning for a range of outdoor activities at locations around the state. Learn more at Michigan.gov/OutdoorSkills.