MUCC Pushes for Action on Asian Carp

LANSING, MICH — It was the news we all suspected was coming but dreaded to hear – a live Asian carp has been found past the barrier of the Chicago canals. Federal and state officials in Illinois confirmed yesterday that a live bighead carp was discovered by commercial fisherman in Lake Calumet, just six miles from Lake Michigan – this is the same area where a poisoning operation had been conducted recently that turned up no carp.

“Today was supposed to be a day of semi-celebration. Gabe VanWormer and I had just finished posting the first video on showing we were able to catch 30 different species of fish in 30 hours here in Michigan,” said Tony Hansen, Deputy Director of Michigan United Conservation Clubs. “We did that to showcase what Michigan has to offer and to raise awareness about the disaster waiting to happen if carp get past those barriers. The elation of a goal met and a project completed was dashed with the news that the carp have cleared the barrier.”

Perhaps more troubling than the fact that there is now concrete evidence that the U.S. Army Corp of Engineer’s electrical barriers are incapable of preventing the spread of carp and other invasive species is the response from the Federal Government and Corp of Engineers who, according to numerous media reports, have stated that they have no intentions of closing the locks because of this discovery.

“That’s ludicrous. DNA was discovered months ago and they did nothing. Now we have living proof that their barriers do not – and will not – work. And yet they continue to do nothing. That’s absolutely astonishing – what are they waiting for? The carp are past the barrier and will continue to establish populations past the barrier,” said Hansen. “The federal government must close off Lake Michigan from the Chicago River and canal system. And they need to do it immediately.”

Earlier this month MUCC and conducted a 30-hour Fish-A-Thon to raise awareness about the Asian carp issue. The event generated outstanding public support and media coverage as Tony Hansen and video producer Gabe Van Wormer attempted to catch 30 different species of fish in Michigan. The event was a success and the pair actually surpassed the 30-species goal.

Just yesterday, MUCC and also launched its 2010 gubernatorial candidate video forum, where each major party candidate for Michigan’s next governor answered an identical series of six questions, one dealing with invasive species. While there has been a significant amount of bi-partisan support from Michigan’s political leaders on the Asian carp issue, MUCC asked the question of each candidate so the voters of Michigan may get an idea of how our next governor will work to battle invasive species like the Asian carp.

MUCC, the nation’s largest state-specific conservation organization, has worked to stop the spread of invasive species in Michigan for many years. It will continue to coordinate efforts through its membership urging Federal leaders to create a hydrological separation between the Great Lakes Mississippi River system.

Tony Hansen – (269) 420-9510
Dave Nyberg – (517) 346-6462