New Research on Hunting with AR-Platform Rifles

With firearm hunting season in full swing, millions of hunters will be hitting the woods in search of all types of game. As they head afield, hunters will be carrying a plethora of tools, gadgets and gear with them. No matter if they are pursuing squirrels, predators, deer or bear, one item hunters will be holding close will be their trusted firearm.

New research from Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) sheds light on what type of firearms hunters prefer, and provides detailed insights into hunting with AR-Platform rifles. With many new hunters going afield this year, and new products available to all hunters every year, it is important for the outdoor industry to stay apprised of current consumer trends, wants, needs and preferences.

The research, entitled “Proliferation of Hunting with AR-Platform / Modern Sporting Rifles”, was conducted for OSCF by leading outdoor industry research firm Responsive Management.

Mark Damian Duda, Executive Director of Responsive Management states: “This report is chalk full of new insights and is a must read for anyone connected with hunting or AR-Platform rifles. In addition to many key findings, the report includes demographic-participatory analyses graphs that provide extra insight to the reader on how various demographic groups respond to certain questions within the report.”

Key findings include:

  1. Most important reasons for hunting last season.
  2. Percentage of hunters that have used an AR-Platform rifle to hunt with.
  3. What type of firearm hunters use most often to hunt with.
  4. How long they have hunted with AR-Platform rifles.
  5. Type of game, (i.e., large/small) that hunters have used an AR-Platform to hunt.
  6. Main reasons they use AR-Platform rifles for hunting.
  7. Likeliness of using an AR-Platform rifle to hunt with in the future (asked of hunters not currently using an AR-Platform rifle to hunt with). PS – the results will surprise you!

OSCF Board of Directors Secretary, Patrick Shay noted; “With limited data on this topic, the new OSCF report is a welcomed resource that allows readers to make fact-based decisions – which is important during these tough market conditions.”

This report expands an ever-growing knowledge library provided by Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation. To view the report and findings (free of charge) visit .

To discuss the report in detail contact OSCF Executive Director, Jim Curcuruto at (203) 450-7202


Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) is a 501c3 nonprofit with a mission to help recruit the next generation of HATS (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers & Shooters) and promote the fact that HATS are primary funders of land, fish and wildlife conservation in America. To support our mission we have developed programs such as: “ComeWith!”, “Fill A Bag While Filling Your Tag”, “Connecting with Conservation” and the “Outdoor Industry Communication Council”. For additional information follow @OutdoorStewards on Instagram, visit or contact Jim Curcuruto at (203) 450-7202.

This project was funded by Multistate Conservation Grant F23AP00406, a program funded from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program and jointly managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.