Gun Registry Bill Moves Forward in California

A gun registry bill in California is dangerously close to passage.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has sent out an action alert to California sportsmen regarding Assembly Bill 1810. The bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Mike Feuer (D- LA), would require the state to keep registration information for all firearm transfers, including from transfers of commonly used hunting rifles and shotguns.

Current California law requires the state to keep a database containing information acquired from handgun transfers only. The information kept by the state includes the owner’s name and address as well as a description and serial number of the handgun. Under AB 1810, this same information would be kept for all firearms transfers.

“It’s bad enough that the state keeps personal information from handgun transfers,” said Jeremy Rine, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance associate director of state services. “There is no compelling reason for Californians’ Second Amendment rights being further infringed through this legislation.”

Earlier this year, AB 1810 passed the California Assembly and, on August 12, the bill passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The bill could now be voted on by the full Senate at any time.

Take Action! California sportsmen should immediately contact their state senators and urge them to oppose AB 1810. Tell them there is no justification for expanding the state’s registry to include all firearms transfers by law abiding gun owners.

To find your state senator’s contact information, please visit