Did You Draw a Spring Turkey License? Find Out Now

Check your drawing results for the spring turkey hunting season online at Michigan.gov/DNRLicenses, through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app or by calling 517-284-9453.
If successfully drawn, you can purchase licenses online, in the app or over the counter at a license agent.
If you applied for a license but were not drawn – mark your calendars! Hunters who were unsuccessful in the drawing can purchase a leftover license Monday, March 10, at 10 a.m.
Remaining leftover turkey licenses will go on sale to everyone Monday, March 17, at 10 a.m. Licenses are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee that leftover licenses will be available for any hunt unit.
Please note: Licenses purchased online through eLicense will be mailed to you in seven to 10 business days.
Hunt 0234
Licenses for Hunt 0234 will also go on sale March 17 at 10 a.m. This is a statewide, guaranteed spring turkey license that does not require an application in the drawing. The season dates are May 3-31. With the Hunt 0234 license, you can hunt on:
- Both public and private lands in the Upper Peninsula (Turkey Management Unit M) and in the northern Lower Peninsula (TMUs A, B, E, F, J and K).
- Private lands only in the southern Lower Peninsula (TMU ZZ).
- Fort Custer military lands with permission.
Find season dates, bag limits and hunting regulations at Michigan.gov/Turkey.
EHarvest tags available for spring turkey this year
New for spring turkey season, hunters now have the option to get an electronic kill tag (eHarvest tag) through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app. Purchasing your tag this way means you can get it instantly! Many states now use electronic tags for turkeys as this option becomes more common across the country.
To use an electronic tag on your harvested turkey, you must use the app to buy. Paper tags are not an option for spring turkey when purchasing in the app. When you purchase your spring turkey license through the app, your eHarvest tag will be available on your mobile device immediately. You must be able to present the eHarvest tag on a mobile device while in the field. You will not receive a paper kill tag.
Looking for a spot to hunt?
Download and save 20% on onX Hunt digital mapping memberships by using the code “Michigan” at checkout. Plus, a portion of every purchase will be donated to support Michigan conservation.