Remington Ammunition Announces Beards, Spurs, and Savings Shotshell Rebate

Remington Ammunition recently announced its Beards, Spurs, and Savings rebate, which offers consumers the chance to buy Remington Turkey shotshell ammunition and get up to $100 back. This promotion runs through May 31, 2025.

To take advantage of this rebate, customers must purchase Remington’s Nitro Turkey to receive a $3.00 rebate per box or Premier Magnum Turkey, Premier Magnum Turkey High Velocity, or Premier TSS to receive $5 per box back.

A minimum purchase of two (2) boxes is required, with a maximum rebate of $100.00 per person or household. Valid purchases must be made from March 1 through May 31, 2025. The deadline for submission of this rebate offer is June 30, 2025.

Remington’s unique manufacturing process, used to make its Nitro Turkey loads, yields shot as hard and round as copper-plated shot. This enables them to pattern just as well as copper-plated, buffered loads without the higher cost. Nitro Turkey Loads deliver a full 1 7/8-ounce payload at 1,210 fps and 80-percent pattern densities with outstanding knockdown power at effective ranges.

Remington’s Premier High-Velocity Magnum Turkey Loads add a whole new dimension to this high-performance package. With Remington’s specially blended powder recipe, advanced Power Piston one-piece wad and hardened copper-plated shot, these high velocity loads deliver extremely dense patterns. Try Remington Premier Magnum Turkey High Velocity for extra speed at greater distances.

Premier TSS features ultra-dense Tungsten Super Shot (TSS) payloads that deliver increased performance overall. A density of 18 g/cc makes a smaller shot size viable over what you’d choose in lead, with an energy and velocity increase to boot. Every load is tuned for the tightest and most consistent patterns possible. Available in multiple load options 10, 12, and 20 gauges and .410 bore, shot sizes #7 or #9.

Complete information on Remington’s Beards, Spurs and Savings rebate can be found at

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