Coyotes in Store for Big Trouble Soon

By Glen Wunderlich
Outdoor Columnist
Member Professional Outdoor Media Association

So, hunting season is over. I don’t think so! January merely signals the beginning of the next season. And, for me that means coyotes.

It seems everyone complains about them, but just like the weather, their whining has no effect. And, then there are those that tell me I should do something about the coyote numbers, as if I have a magic wand. I don’t exactly have a magic wand, but I am working on one.

I enjoy a good bolt gun, when it comes to accuracy. Single-shot rifles always seem to produce fine results, as well. Traditional varmint calibers such as the venerable .22-250, or .223, or the .243 are always good choices, too. But, I’ve never been much of a traditionalist. And, when it comes to varmints, it’s my philosophy that there’s no such thing as overkill. Being cute? Well let the kittens and puppies reign in that category.

I’m talking .30 caliber and when my new scope bases arrive from Midway USA later this week, we are going to have some fun in the Glenway mode that’s far from tradition.