Animal Rightist Admits Attack on Bank in England

An animal rights activist in England has admitted that he helped attack four branches of a bank due to its apparent relationship with an animal testing lab.

Thomas Harris, 27, is a member of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC). He and two other people organized attacks on several Barclays Bank branches because of their relationship to the company Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). HLS provides animals for scientific research.

The attacks included spray painting the word “murderer” on doors. The group also vandalized the vehicle of a person they believed had links to a company supplying HLS.

All three will be sentenced on January 13.

While these attacks took place overseas, SHAC has been active in the United States as well. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance previously reported on this issue after the Washington D.C. Council passed a law preventing mask wearing animal rights activists from protesting outside private residences. The law was passed after the D.C. based wing of SHAC, Defending Animal Rights Today and Tomorrow, organized such protests in the community.

SHAC was formed in 1996 to protest HLS and any company that has a relationship with them.