Constitutional Amendment in Arkansas Would Raid Sportsmen’s Dollars

Removes Professionals From Managing Wildlife

An Arkansas senator has proposed to change the state’s constitution to allow hunting, fishing, and trapping license dollars to be used for any government expense. It also strips authority over hunting and fishing laws from wildlife professionals and hands it to politicians.

Arkansas Sportsmen need to call their state senators today and urge them to oppose this dangerous bill!

Currently, the Arkansas constitution requires that all monies received by the Game and Fish Commission, including hunting, trapping, and fishing license dollars, be only used to manage the state’s wildlife. Additionally, the constitution gives the Commission sole authority over hunting, trapping, and fishing laws and regulations.

Senate Joint Resolution 2, introduced by Senator Jeremy Hutchinson (R- Little Rock), would divert most monies received, including fees from sporting licenses, game violations, land sales, and other income, into the state’s general fund where it could be used to pave roads, maintain prisons, or for any other pet project the legislature chooses. The amendment would also take authority away from the Commission regarding hunting, trapping, and fishing rules and regulations and place it with the legislature.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is currently funded by three main sources:

•License fees
• Reimbursement of federal excise tax on firearms, ammunition, and fishing equipment
• A portion of the Arkansas sales tax.
This amendment would take away the license fee portion of the Commission’s funding and put the excise tax, which amounts to millions of additional dollars, in jeopardy.

“Wildlife conservation works in Arkansas and elsewhere because when sportsmen buy a hunting license, they believe the money will be used for fish and wildlife,” said Jeremy Rine, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance associate director of state services. “When this trust is broken, you sever this link and put wildlife conservation in danger. You also jeopardize a significant portion of Arkansas’ economy.”

Hunting, trapping, and fishing are big business in Arkansas worth $1.4 billion to the state’s economy. It generates $100 million in tax revenues and employs over 18,000 citizens.

Take Action! Arkansas sportsmen need to contact their state senator today and tell them to oppose Senate Joint Resolution 2. Tell them that diverting hunting, trapping, and fishing license dollars will harm the state’s wildlife and put in jeopardy millions of dollars in federal excise tax funds. Remind them also that wildlife management needs to be kept in the hands of professionals. To find your state senator’s contact information, please visit

For more information, contact the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance at 614-888-4868 or email