Destination Whitetail Goes Hunting “Yooper” Style in Third Episode

Cincinnati, Ohio – In the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a weekend at a hunting camp is more than a weekend away – it’s a rite of passage. On this week’s episode of Destination Whitetail, the cameras head to “Yooper” country to experience the ultimate deer camp.
Nestled between four bodies of water, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan region is home to a range of wildlife and just 3 percent of the state’s total population, affectionately known as “Yoopers” (from UP-ers). In this week’s episode, native “Yoopers” allow our cameras inside a family’s 50-year-old hunting camp where they share their unique hunting culture with viewers.
The Upper Peninsula locals pride themselves on their rich history of hunting, deer camps, raising world class beagles and, of course, the local band with the region’s namesake – The Yoopers!
Get initiated with Destination Whitetail, airing on the Sportsman Channel Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. EST and 11:30 p.m. EST, plus an additional showing on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. EST.