NRA Supports Lawsuit Challenging NSA’s Mass Surveillance and Collection Program

NRA supports the whole Constitution, and demonstrated that support this week by weighing in on an issue that’s been of concern for decades.

On Wednesday, NRA filed a “friend of the court” brief in federal district court supporting an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit challenging the National Security Agency’s (NSA) phone records surveillance and collection program.  The massive NSA data-mining program collects the records of millions of Americans. Read more

Lawmakers Ignore Constituents but not the Boot

The following was written by Lawrence Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), relative to Colorado with State Senate Majority leader John Morse’s facing a recall election.

Like members of Congress, state legislators are elected to represent their constituents and vote on the laws that affect them. When legislators fail to represent the will and beliefs of their constituents and become beholden to outside influences, it is up to their constituents to fire them.

This is exactly what’s happening in Colorado with State Senate Majority leader John Morse facing a recall election starting on Aug. 20. Sen. Morse forgot about his constituents who elected him when he started taking his legislative orders from Mayor Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign, hastily ushering through a series of anti-gun laws in the wake of the tragedies in Aurora and Newtown. Read more

Officials Caution on Balloon Releases, Wildlife Dangers

These discarded balloons show what DNR marine wardens typically retrieve in one day from Lake Michigan. Wardens also are finding them daily in Lake Superior.

DNR Marine Warden Amie Egstad of Bayfield County gets how balloons add fun to parties or ignite silent heart-felt reflection when set free to dance in the sky at a friend’s memorial.
She gets it — she really does.
The other thing she really gets — on a daily basis — is the balloon in another form. And that form is litter, posing problems for marine wildlife and boats in Lake Superior when these party favors and memorials plummet to the waves and shoreline. Read more

Brighton Recreation Area holds Second Annual Veterans Appreciation Picnic for Livingston County veterans and their families Aug. 3

Veterans and their families who reside in Livingston County are invited to attend the Second Annual Veterans Appreciation Picnic at the Brighton State Recreation Area in Livingston County on Saturday, Aug. 3 from noon to 5 p.m. The picnic, which is totally funded by area donations and veterans’ organizations, provides a full barbecue lunch for discharged veterans and active-duty members from all military branches. The event will also feature outdoor recreation activities such as archery and boating and a discounted rate for horseback riding. Read more

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