SCI Applauds Congressional Hearing to Import Polar Bears

Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) applauds the House Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife for holding a hearing addressing Congressman Don Young’s (R-AK) legislation allowing the importation of approximately 40 polar bears.

Young’s bill, HR 991, will amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to authorize the Secretary to issue import permits for polar bears taken legally from approved populations in Canada prior to the importation ban imposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) on May 15, 2008. The ban deprived these individuals of their rightful property. HR 991 would help rectify this unfortunate situation by allowing only the importation of these already harvested polar bears. The bill would not authorize the importation of bears hunted in the future. Read more

Men Arrested and Let Go for Stealing/Returning Antlers from NRA Convention

Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Two men working for an exhibition service at the National Rifle Association convention over the weekend were arrested late Sunday for stealing two sets of elk antlers.

According to Pittsburgh police, the antlers were stolen from a vendor’s booth while the operator was waiting to pack up his truck at the loading dock of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.

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And, the next thing you know, the charges are dropped because the two suspects were reportedly returning the antlers. Question: If they were not stolen in the first place, why would they need to be returned?

Charges against two men accused of stealing two sets of elk antlers from an exhibition at the National Rifle Association convention were withdrawn Tuesday, May 10.

Originally, Pittsburgh police reported that the two men were seen on the east side of the convention center walking with the antlers as the NRA event was ending on May 1.

However, the charges were withdrawn Tuesday after several witnesses in the case told police that they believed the men were returning the antlers, not stealing them, said Mike Manko, a spokesman with the Allegheny County district attorney’s office.

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City’s Gun Buyback Program Draws Competition

For the third year in a row, the city is working with local sponsors to offer a pre-Mother’s Day gun buyback program. But this time, there might be some competition.

The city is offering vouchers or gift cards in amounts of $100 and $200 to individuals who bring in weapons today to six different sites – with no questions asked about ownership or identity.

However, this year, a local gun-rights activist plans to show up at the Mission Hills site to inspect guns and refer owners of useful firearms to local gunshops that will be willing to purchase them More here…

Lightfield’s New MAG-20 Hard Hitting 20 Gauge

In the past few years the 20 ga. shotgun slug has been getting a lot of attention. Improvements in performance that trickled down from the 12 ga. technology, combined with lighter guns and less recoil than the 12 ga., have given the 20 ga. a significantly greater presence in the deer woods. 

The typical 20 ga. sabot slug, based on a 45-caliber pistol bullet design, is more efficient than a 12 ga. In terms of ballistics. In fact, on paper, the ballistics of today’s 3″ 20 ga. designs match those of most 2 ¾” 12 ga. in the deer woods. Read more

A Feast for the Eyes While Scouting Turkeys

By Glen Wunderlich

Spring has been a long time coming and it still doesn’t seem like it wants to be here.  Even returning perennial plants don’t seem to be sure it’s safe to venture all the way out.  But, I just made a bold move in spite of the weather’s fickleness and the rock salt and snow shovel have been stored.  No way around the calendar, however, and it says turkey season has arrived!

My friend, Joe, and I hadn’t done any scouting and only two days remained before our May 2nd opener.  Our plan was to get up with the birds and hide and watch.  The perfect location for the task was inside our deer hunting shack dubbed the chalet, which overlooks acres of food plots.  We put the heat on and opened the plexiglass windows with the sun at our backs. 

The legume plots were sprouting with valuable nutrients for the birds and winter-stressed deer. Some of last season’s brassica plants had begun to emerge from their roots, but were far behind their flowering stage, as they were this time last year.

Rain water forced worms and night crawlers to squirm to the earth’s surface to avoid sure drowning, only to face the ravenous craving of crows, robins, sandhill cranes and other birds of the carnivorous feather.  We hoped for turkeys to join in the heaven-sent bonanza.

By 8am the field was alive with the sounds of spring.  A magnificent male gold finch lit atop a nearby spruce whistling his song of love.  Song sparrows got their licks in, too.   And, sure enough, turkeys poked their way into the mix.

I had a spotting scope for the purpose of critical identification so I focused it on the small gang.  Three hens and one proud Tom had already made our day, as they began what turned out to be a rather protracted display.

The gobbler was very much in full bloom – as puffed up as a piñata. He danced, while changing colors before our eyes and belted out a distinctive gobble now and then.

His lady friends?  Well, I’m not even sure they knew he was there.  I think they may have been deaf and blind.  Maybe they were his sisters.  In any case, he was being ignored.  But, the lack of cooperation by the opposite sex didn’t distract him.  He may not have been the biggest potential suitor but that sure didn’t stop him from trying.

For several hours Read more

Pre-Season Scouting Adventure

By Glen Wunderlich

On my first turkey scouting expedition this season, our vantage point came from the chalet – our no-nonsense gun blind.  Joe and I were hoping to find out if any wild turkeys were in the vicinity, so we opened up the windows and turned on the propane heat.

In Search of Love

There’s no better justification for maintaining perennial food plots than to see how the wildlife benefit during srpingtime green-up.  Whether they chomp on last year’s rape, which is flourishing from the root, or are devouring tender legume plants, it’s all good.  Worms and night crawlers add to the smorgasbord of nature.

A gang of turkeys began their feast in the field of alfalfa and clover.   The lone gobbler, on the other hand, had nothing but love on his mind.  He pranced and paraded for two and a half hours, hardly ever stopping to share in the nourishing bounty.  He took a few turns at gobbling, seemingly for practice, because the accompanying hens paid no attention.

Later a lone hen was headed up the path toward the chalet, so I hastily moved into camera position.  In so doing, I made enough noise to alert the turkey to my presence and it proceeded to make a wide half-circle pass around us.

"I didn't like the sound of that."

All in all, a good day of scouting and a great day to partake in nature.

Zero Rating by Brady Campaign Celebrated by Gun-Rights Contingent

Arizona this year earned a zero for its loose gun laws.

The state joined Utah and Alaska as having the worst gun-safety laws in the nation, according to the Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence.

The Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group has ranked states for four years. It released its latest ranking Wednesday.

Gun-rights activists called Arizona’s ranking proof that they are successfully protecting gun rights, and they vow to continue their efforts. Gun-violence-prevention groups said it’s proof that the state is continuing to move away from the values of most Arizonans.

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Interior Announces Next Steps in Protection, Recovery, and Scientific Management of Wolves

Washington, DC – The Department of the Interior’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced yesterday that it is proposing to delist biologically recovered gray wolf populations in the Western Great Lakes, and – in accordance with recently enacted legislation – reinstating the Service’s 2009 decision to delist biologically recovered gray wolf populations in the Northern Rocky Mountains.

“Like other iconic species such as the whooping crane, the brown pelican, and the bald eagle, the recovery of the gray wolf is another success story of the Endangered Species Act,” said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. “The gray wolf’s biological recovery reflects years of work Read more

Glock Donates $115,000 to NRA

Smyrna, GA – GLOCK, Inc. donated a total of $115,000 to four separate organizations within the National Rifle Association (NRA) during the 2011 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits held in Pittsburg, PA, Apr. 29 – May 1. GLOCK, Inc. Vice Presidents Chad Mathis and Josh Dorsey, alongside spokesman R. Lee Ermey presented a check to each group inside the GLOCK, Inc. exhibition booth (#2029) on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 10:00am.

“It’s important for us at GLOCK, Inc. to recognize the commitment of the millions of NRA members and thousands of certified NRA firearms instructors who are continually protecting our Second Amendment rights and freedoms,” stated GLOCK Vice President, Josh Dorsey.

The four organizations that received the donations at NRA include: Read more

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