Wandering Dog Lost and Found

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

Last week I came upon a wandering little dog, as I rode my ATV along a well-traveled trail on my Shiawassee County property.  At first glance it resembled the appearance of a neighbor’s dog, and since it was so close to his property, I motored past it under the assumption that it was heading home.  However, something seemed wrong.

I watched over my shoulder to make sure the animal wasn’t following me, as I lowered my speed.  It would take a few steps in one direction and then a few more in another direction.  This aimless wandering wasn’t normal, I thought, so I made a U-turn and idled next to it for a closer look.  At this moment, I figured it was deaf or very near so, because it didn’t pay any attention to my running motor, which was now only a few feet away.  Then, I noticed the malfunction:  It was obviously blind from the apparent milky colored eyes afflicted by cataracts.  I knew I had to do something.

Stepping off the 4-wheeler, I made a quick grab with both hands under the belly and felt wetness.  Either, the confused animal had gone into the adjoining creek willingly or otherwise and had me thinking it was possibly thirsty or just unwittingly fell in.  Regardless, it was going home with me.

The old dog never resisted, as I set it in a carry box in front of the handle bars.  When I began to motor on, it became frightened and attempted to jump out.  With one finger hooked around its tiny collar, it was easily restrained and seemed to settle down as I picked up speed along the side of the road.

Although it had a collar, no identification was attached.  I recalled that one of my neighbors, Marcella, had been involved in various physical searches for lost dogs through some internet sites.  My wife got the ball rolling and it wasn’t long before Marcella and her husband arrived to help – and, I was sure glad to see them.

Cell phones were used for photos, which were promptly uploaded to a Facebook site under the title of lost dogs of Shiawassee County.  In the meantime, the women took over care of the animal by giving it a bath in warm water, which it didn’t appreciate one bit.  Marcella even cleaned the ear canals, which seemed to need attention.  And, then the calls started to come in.

Some would send pictures of their own lost dogs, hoping we’d have the answer to their prayers.  One after another, hope was shot down.

I remembered my pal, Joe, leaves some dry dog food at my place for his dog when it visits, so I grabbed a handful and put it in a bowl in front of the dog.  It walked through it and scattered the feed on the floor.  Hmmm.  Into the house for some meat – any meat.  Nothing.  So, I took a small can of cat food and dumped the entire contents in another bowl.  (Yes, I know cat food is not good for dogs; neither is starving.)  It gobbled it up in a few bites and drank some clean water.  Now, we all felt better.

We had already begun to talk of temporarily caring for the critter, when someone from East Lansing had seen the online photos and contacted us.  Apparently, they were relatives of the owner, Chris, who lives about a mile down the road.  Everyone was excited to learn he was on the way for his pet!

In minutes, he arrived and was reunited with his ol’ pal and explained what had happened.  The day before, the animal apparently had gone through an open door unnoticed.  A frantic search was to no avail.  I can only imagine his thoughts.

The moral of the story is to make sure that proper identification is attached to dogs that have a propensity to wander.  A computer chip is also a common means to ID lost dogs – given the owners have had the foresight to have one implanted for a nominal fee.

With the mystery solved, the little pooch gave his owner a few licks on his cheek and they were on their way home at long last.

FN Expands Pistol Offerings With All-FDE Models

Catering to the requests of shooting enthusiasts and FN brand fans alike, FN America, LLC is pleased to announce the release of new flat dark earth (FDE) offerings in both its FN Five-seveN® and FN 503® line-ups, available at authorized retailers soon.

“Today’s gun buyer is looking for variety and options, not just with accessories but with color variants that stand out in unique and noticeable ways,” said Chris Cole, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for FN America, LLC. “FN’s all-FDE models certainly stand out and we feel that these new releases in our signature color give consumers greater options to further customize, and personalize, their gun and gear setups.”

FN Five-seveN FDE

The original FN Five-seveN®, often imitated but hardly duplicated, has two decades of trusted service with allied armies, global law enforcement and civilians.

Extending its groundbreaking design is a new, all flat dark earth frame and slide. With improved range and accuracy over common pistol cartridges, the NATO-standardized 5.7x28mm, developed by FN, is fired from the chrome-lined cold hammer-forged barrel. Read more

Delta Waterfowl Reports: 2021 Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey Cancelled

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — For the second straight year, safety concerns over Covid-19 have forced cancellation of the annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey.

The spring survey, which has been conducted annually every year from 1955 to 2019, is used to monitor the status of duck and goose populations in North America, as well as to set waterfowl hunting season frameworks and bag limits.

A question and answer document posted today by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/pdf/surveys-and-data/Population-status/2021WaterfowlBreedingPopulationandHabitatSurveyCancellationQA.pdf) explains the reasons behind the cancellation. Read more

M-FAK Mini First Aid Kits in Realtree Camo

COLUMBUS, GA — ? The compact M-FAK Mini First Aid Kits in Realtree Camo empowers sportsmen with the most requested point-of-wounding equipment in the smallest cube space possible so it can be easily packed along with hunting or fishing gear.

The Sportsman version of North American Rescue’s M-FAK Mini First Aid Kit was designed to be the most compact, multi-use IFAK for delivering immediate critical care for penetrating or other traumatic injuries encountered in the field. At half the size of North American Rescue’s popular T.O.R.K. platform, this M-FAK is currently the smallest platform available in its product offering. Despite its reduced size, this kit comes fully loaded with the critical medical equipment most requested by first responders operating in the line of duty. Read more

Henry Arms Offering Military Free Admission to Henry 180

RICE LAKE, WI – May 6, 2021 — A day before the fireworks shows of July 4th, the Henry 180 NASCAR Xfinity Series race at Road America will treat fans to an equally impressive performance on the track. Wisconsin-based firearm manufacturer and title sponsor of the race, Henry Repeating Arms, is celebrating by inviting 180 active-duty members or veterans of the United States military to attend the race with free general admission. Henry Repeating Arms has a long history of supporting the military and its veterans with recent donations to The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) totaling over $100,000, a $200,000 donation to The Charlie Daniels Journey Home Project, and tribute edition rifle presentations to veterans around the country including World War II hero, Louis Zamperini, and several Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Read more

RVTravel.com Offering Free Directory of All Manufacturers

EDMONDS, Wash. — How many different RVs are made in America? RVtravel.com has the answer in a new, free, comprehensive directory that lists every U.S. manufacturer and its makes and models. “RVs: Who Makes What” is available as a free PDF download as a public service from RVtravel.com.

The 73-page directory was written by Bradford Geer, who spent more than a year gathering and compiling the useful information.

The result, says RVtravel.com publisher Chuck Woodbury, is “the most comprehensive guide to RV manufacturers and their brands ever assembled. It’s an incredibly valuable tool for current RV owners and others who plan to purchase a recreational vehicle.” Read more

NRA Bankruptcy Case Takes Unexpected Turn

Saying the evidentiary record clearly demonstrates that NRA Head Wayne LaPierre has repeatedly “failed to provide proper oversight” a lawyer in the United States Trustee’s Office, the section of the Justice Department responsible for the integrity of the nation’s bankruptcy courts, surprised the NRA leadership and lawyers during closing remarks of the NRA’s bankruptcy hearing in Texas yesterday.
The lawyer for the Trustee’s Office said the “record is unrefuted that Wayne LaPierre’s personal expenses were made to look like businesses expenses” before calling for either the dismissal of the entire bankruptcy proceeding or the appointment of an outside monitor to oversee the NRA’s finances. Presiding Judge Harlan D. Hale says he will announce his decision by “early next week.”

GameMaker Launches EZ Jerky Shooter

Fremont, NE – GameMaker has launched their NEW Patent-Pending Jerky Shooter with their Snap-LoK Design for “Ez-Loading and Cleaning”! The EZ Jerky Shooter is the best Jerky Shooter on the market! Make delicious jerky and snack sticks from lean, ground meat such as beef, buffalo, elk, deer, chicken, or turkey!

The Jerky Shooter is top-rack dishwasher safe and provides a quicker, less mess/EZ Clean Water Tight Seal that gets 100% of the area to clean. With a commercial-grade Jerky Gun, a Snap-LoK EZ Fill Tube, a 1/2” round nozzle, a 3/4” x 3/16” flat nozzle, a 5/8” x 3/16” dual-flat nozzle, and a heavy-duty stainless steel torsion system, this Jerky Shooter is perfect for all types of meat Read more

Pilgrim Ammunition’s Self Defense Pistol Ammo Now Available

Sarasota, FL – Pilgrim Ammunition, a manufacturer of premium high-velocity, lead-free, defensive pistol ammunition has inventory ready to ship to consumers. Pilgrim Ammunition’s Torch™ line of cartridges uses premium materials and components and innovative design to produce ammunition that rapidly expands in soft targets to mitigate overpenetration, increases kinetic energy and reduces felt recoil. Torch™ is available in .380ACP, 9mm +P, .40 S&W and .45ACP +P.

Read more

SAF: Democrat Attempt to Pack Supreme Court ‘An Outrage’

BELLEVUE, WA – The proposal by four anti-gun Capitol Hill Democrats to pack the U.S. Supreme Court by adding four positions is “an outrage” and an attempt to prevent the high court from accepting cases and handing down rulings favorable to the right to keep and bear arms, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, New York Congressmen Jerrold Nadler and Mondaire Jones, and Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson announced the “Judiciary Act of 2021.” Nadler insisted it is not an attempt to “pack” the high court.

But SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb responded, “That’s a lie, and they know it. Markey, Nadler and their cronies are furious that the Supreme Court now has a majority of justices who are determined to adhere to the Constitution instead of rewriting it from the bench to advance an anti-gun-rights agenda.

“This is,” he added, “an attempt to overturn the Supreme Court’s landmark Heller and McDonald rulings affirming the individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.” Read more

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