By Glen Wunderlich
Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association
Canceled, postponed, delayed, shut down, and rescheduled are all words we’ve grown accustomed to over the past few weeks. We’ve added phrases such as “social distancing” to our modern lexicon and continue to wonder how the “new normal” will have evolved. At the same time many of us have found a strange commodity on our hands and it’s not those latex gloves: It is time.
All of humankind faces a new dilemma: work or daytime television. We can sit there watching a blow-by-blow description of how this maddening virus is affecting people around the globe, all the while hoping it stays away. It seems as if the virus doesn’t consume us, our thoughts just may, as we sit back and do nothing. And, being a spectator of daytime television is doing nothing.
As mentioned, work is another option that typically doesn’t make it to the top of the list of things to do. How many times have we passed by that fence that needs to be repaired or painted? We no longer have an excuse for not having time even though we are all given the same amount of it.
All those “some-day” projects that never seem to have made it to any daily agenda could easily be part of anyone’s new normal now that we all have time. Just the other day, I was passing a standing dead red pine that serves no purpose other than to offer perches to local birds. It suddenly became time to re-purpose that seasoned wood, and even though red pine is not the best source of fuel for my outdoor furnace, it’s fuel nonetheless and has found its way to the wood pile.
If you are anything like me, you many have a firearm that’s been good at collecting dust. For whatever reason, it doesn’t get used; it could need a good cleaning or maybe some gunsmithing work or a better optic.
A vintage Remington rimfire model 550-1 rifle of mine fits that description has done a fine job of taking up space. It’s a semi-automatic plinker that has the ability to fire short, long, or long rifle cartridges, but because of a poor choice in optics, hasn’t been used. The inexpensive red-dot aiming device was meant to improve my ability to compete in speed shooting games, but my old eyes need more assistance than that. With a few computer clicks, a brand new variable power rimfire scope is on the way. How exciting!
We may find that the trouble with our current time is that the future is not what it used to be, but this time we have the opportunity to revise it.
Pick a project – any project. Put it on a list, get it done and then take time to cross it off the list. Don’t delete it; cross it off. It feels good!