ATN Launches Facebook Product Giveaway

South San Francisco, CA – American Technologies Network Corp. (ATN), makers of military, law enforcement, security and outdoor night vision and thermal applications, has launched a Facebook product giveaway, entitled “The Digital Night Vision Christmas Giveaway.” Fans of the ATN Facebook page can enter for a chance to win one of three of ATN’s most popular Night Vision devices: the DNVM-2 Digital NV Monocular 2x (a $219 value), the MK390 Night Vision Riflescope (a $499 value) or a Night Spirit-XT HPT Night Vision Monocular(a $1,549 value). To enter, simply like and share the contest and enter an email address. Read more

African Conservation Leaders Deliver Strong Message to U.S. Government

Last week, Safari Club International Foundation held its 12th annual African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF) in Livingstone, Zambia. Conservation leaders attending included wildlife management authorities from the nine African counties of Botswana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, as well as representatives from the safari industry, NGO and wildlife science sectors.

The government representatives attending the AWCF delivered this week a letter to the Co-Chairs of the Presidential Task Force on Wildlife Trafficking, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Eric Holder. The letter presents their recommendations for the implementation of President Barack Obama’s Executive Order Combatting Wildlife Trafficking.

The letter recommends that the Task Force appoint Safari Club International Foundation to its Advisory Council to act as a liaison for the African governments who are the principle agents for conserving wildlife on their continent.    “It is distressing that Africa’s governments were not included or even consulted on the U.S. government’s new Task Force to stop poaching. This policy decision of the U.S. government directly affects Africa’s communities, wildlife, and economies. To ignore these countries is an obvious misstep that needs to be rectified,” SCI Foundation President Joe Hosmer said. Read more

Intelliscope Signs 400 Dealers in Past 12 Weeks

Inteliscope is actively seeking new dealers to introduce the Inteliscope Tactical Adapter to the firearms marketplace. The Inteliscope Tactical Rifle Adapter virtually sells itself because of its revolutionary features for the tactical shooter. Interest from gun shops is skyrocketing; Inteliscope has signed over 400 dealers in just the last twelve weeks. Contact Inteliscope today at the to get started selling this unique product. Read more

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