Michigan Sportsmen Invited to Gear Up at Outdoors Swap Meet

GW:  If I were in this area, I’d be participating.

Outdoor enthusiasts of all levels are invited to attend an Outdoorsman Swap Meet on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Tippy Dam Recreation Area in Brethren (Manistee County). This is the perfect opportunity to exchange hunting and fishing gear – as well as a few stories – with fellow sportsmen.

Tippy Dam Recreation Area is a popular place for anglers and sportsman in the fall, and the Outdoorsman Swap Meet is an opportunity for people to trade items for an entirely new outdoor experience. In the spirit of the outdoors, the swap meet will occur rain or shine.

Anyone interested in selling gear at the swap meet can visit www.michigan.gov/tippydam and click Tippy Dam Recreation Area Events, locate the Sept. 14 Outdoorsman Swap Meet listing, and download, fill out and submit the online vendor signup sheet. The signup sheet may also be filled out at Tippy Dam Recreation Area. For more information about this event please call 231-848-4880. Please email signup forms to dennerte@michigan.gov, fax them to 231-869-4725, or return them to the park.

Tippy Dam Recreation Area is located at 1500 Dilling Road, in Brethren. Park amenities include a boat launch, cross-country ski trails, hiking trails, fishing, camping and more. Although there is no charge for entry to the Outdoorsman Swap Meet, a Recreation Passport is required for entry to Tippy Dam Recreation Area.

Obama to Nix Imports, Require FBI Checks for Firearms Trusts

Obama’s policies are driven by little, if anything, more than ideology unfiltered by reality.

More than a century ago, Congress established the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and authorized it to sell surplus military firearms to Americans interested in improving their marksmanship in support of national defense. “The Board,” as it was commonly known among avid rifle shooters for decades, now exists as the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).

To the everlasting benefit of all of us who are committed to maintaining Americans’ marksmanship superiority over the peoples of all other countries on Earth, the CMP has continued to sell M1 Garands, many in outstanding condition. In doing so, the program has given tens of thousands of Americans the chance to develop their rifle skills with one of the most important firearms in our nation’s history–which Gen. George S. Patton described as “the single greatest battle implement ever devised”–and to test those skills in its popular John C. Garand Matches, held across the country and during the National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. As the legendary Jeff Cooper once observed, “the purpose of shooting is hitting,” and the contribution of John C. Garand and the CMP to that worthy goal has been immeasurable.

However, you know how President Obama feels about guns.

On Thursday, Obama’s gun expert, Vice-President Joe “Two Blasts” Biden, announced that the president will use his executive authority and provisions of the Arms Export Control Act to deny future applications, by private importers, to import “surplus military weapons” for sale to private citizens. Lest there be any confusion, in this instance “surplus military weapons” means rifles, pistols and shotguns, and excludes fully-automatics, which haven’t been legal to import for sale to private citizens since 1968. Read more

Bass Pro Shops new interactive digital catalog

 complete with tips and product demos

Bass Pro Shops’ free apps mean shoppers can access catalogs and
play hunting and fishing games on their iPad and iPhone

Outdoor enthusiasts around the world have looked forward to getting their favorite Bass Pro Shops catalog in the mail since 1974. Now they can experience convenient navigation and a wealth of features by using Bass Pro Shops’ new interactive digital catalog for the iPad. The interactive catalog app is available for free at the App Store. Read more

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