Avoid “Good Enough” when Sighting In

By Glen Wunderlich

As a past shooting range officer, it became apparent that some people were not prepared to sight in their deer guns and had to settle for “close enough.”  That type of thinking, and ultimately results, can lead to unexplained misses afield.  Since the purpose of sighting in is to minimize human error while placing shots in small groups on target, let’s look at ways to get the job done properly. Read more

Shooting Illustrated Asks: Is This Your Carry Load?

If you’re forced to defend yourself at night and this is your carry load, you’d better make that first shot count-because a lot of bad things can happen in the seconds or minutes it will take for your night vision to return. November’s issue of Shooting Illustrated takes an afterhours look at 15 popular defensive handgun loads, photographically recording their performance when delivered from five different personal-defense handguns. Read more

Remington Introduces Model 1911 R1 Carry

Madison, NC – Remington is proud to introduce a new version of America’s favorite pistol design, built by America’s most trusted gunmaker – the Remington Model 1911 R1 Carry.
The R1 Carry is a full-size 1911 pistol that is “de-horned,” meaning that any sharp edges have been smoothed, making the pistol easier to carry and holster without the worry of the edges catching or grabbing. Read more

GLOCK, Inc. Makes $400,000 Donation to National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

Washington – GLOCK, Inc. has presented a $400,000 donation to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) in support of the development of the National Law Enforcement Museum. Last year, GLOCK committed to giving NLEOMF a total of $2 million over five years; this is GLOCK’s second installment of that plan. The donation was made at the National Law Enforcement Museum site in Washington, D.C. Read more

Random Shooter Leaves Clues

With the latest incidents involving random acts of shooting at passing cars, this one has hit home – literally just a few miles from home on M-52, a road we travel frequently.  Usually, I’m looking out for deer crossing the road, but now it’s a whack job in a passing car.  Now, the police have a sketch of the guy and bullet fragments link him to other such incidents in Michigan.  What we know is here…

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