Boone and Crockett Club: Baiting and Fair Chase
MISSOULA, Mont. – According to the Boone and Crockett Club animal rights and anti-hunting groups have again misconstrued the meaning of Fair Chase. This time, it involves baiting, which they claim should be banned because it is not Fair Chase.
The Club has a history of defining what is and is not Fair Chase, and has released a new position statement on baiting. The position reads in part; “Fair Chase is based on the meaning of ‘fair’ that relates to legitimate, genuine, or appropriate given the circumstances. Where an increased harvest of a particular species needs to occur, or where positive identification of size or sex is a legal requirement, baiting is appropriate given the circumstances and does not violate Fair Chase principles.”
“Over the past 132 years, the Club has helped to eliminate unsportsmanlike practices,” said Timothy C. Brady, president of the Boone and Crockett Club. “Chasing game rendered helpless in deep snow, spotlighting, driving game into lakes, or using aircraft to locate or herd game then landing to hunt them were all commonplace at one time. The Club was the first organization to recognize these practices as both unsustainable and unethical.” Read more