Michigan Hunters: Know Your Does!

By Glen Wunderlich

As we deer hunters take to the woods and fields for opening day of firearms deer season November 15th, we become a throng of wildlife managers no matter the result.  As with any management practice, we have room for improvement.  Accordingly, a look at the most recent verifiable statistics through year 2016 relative to how we’re doing is a good place to start on the path to betterment.

Ardent hunters understand that allowing deer to mature is a worthy goal.  However, if we consider the fact that Michigan hunters continue to kill one of the highest percentages of yearling bucks in the country (1 ½ year-old antlered deer), we certainly are not allowing them to get old.  In fact, close to half of all bucks taken in 2016 were yearlings!  Maybe it’s time to consider another option to fill that freezer:  does.

Michigan’s antlerless take of 145,054 was up 6 percent compared to the previous season but down 15 percent compared to the 5-year average.  Some of that may be attributable to the fact that Michigan’s hunting community has shrunk 14 percent over the past five years.  At the same time, if we were to concentrate our efforts on taking more does, we’d be allowing more bucks to live another year or more.  Realizing that some may want to claim bragging rights for bagging a buck, our combined “achievements” are nothing to brag about compared to other regions of the nation.

Disturbingly, Michigan hunters are killing fawns at the rate of 26 percent of the total antlerless harvest – a sign that indicates hunters need a better understanding of distinguishing fawns from adult does.  To make matters worse, many buck fawns are mistaken for adult does – a sure way to reduce the potential for more mature bucks in the herd.

Identifying Does

There are several easy ways to differentiate between does, doe fawns and buck fawns and a sensible place to start is with good binoculars to determine detail.

Obviously, the best way to compare deer is when they are grouped together.  A mature doe will be more observant – a sentry, if you will.  On the other hand, fawns tend to be more playful and will feed without paying attention to their surroundings.  Fawns also have a shorter nose compared to an adult doe’s head.

Lone antlerless deer are typically buck fawns or commonly referred to as button bucks.  Here’s where the binoculars come in handy:  At this stage of the season, an observant hunter should be able to see developing antler bases or pedicles (immature antlers) giving them the name “button” bucks.  Buck fawns also have a head that is squarer than others.

Just because a group of antlerless deer may contain one larger one, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an adult doe.  Again, use your glass or hold your fire.

By taking more female deer, we will have done our part to balance the herd and to promote the quality of hunting we all seek in future years.  Be safe, get those deer checked, be respectful of others, and good hunting.

Hunters who donate deer to help Michigan’s hungry can win Jay’s Sporting Goods gift card

Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger – in partnership with the DNR, Jay’s Sporting Goods, the Food Bank Council of Michigan and deer processor Carson Village Market – is offering a special opportunity for hunters to donate venison to those in need during an event at Jay’s Sporting Goods in Clare Nov. 16-18.

The event runs from noon to 7 p.m. Nov. 16 and 17 and from noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 18. Hunters who donate a deer during these three days will be entered to win a $500 Jay’s Sporting Goods gift card (some restrictions apply). Read more

Michigan: 2018 bear hunting season recap

Preliminary results from the 2018 bear hunting season show hunters found success across Michigan’s bear hunting management zones.

“While we are still waiting for all data from check stations and hunter harvest surveys, it appears that we’ll be on track for good harvest numbers and success rates,” said DNR Bear and Wolf Program specialist Kevin Swanson. “It seems that weather and mast availability may have impacted the harvest in some areas, but these factors are natural defense mechanisms that reduce the harvest in certain years.”

For the 2018 hunting season, approximately 54,000 hunters applied for 7,140 bear hunting licenses, the same number of licenses that was available last year. In 2017, 1,691 bears were taken. This year, preliminary numbers appear to be slightly below the 1,500-target harvest.

“Bear hunting seasons have staggered openings across the state, so we have seasons that have been opening and closing since early September,” said Swanson. “All bears must be registered within 72 hours of harvest, so eventually we’ll have all that information, along with completed hunter harvest surveys, to give us great data regarding days of hunter effort and also success rates.”

See current bear hunting regulations at michigan.gov/bear.

A Variety of Auction ItemsAt the 2019 Sci Hunters’ Convention

From top of the line guns, to once-in-a-lifetime hunts, the finest artwork, stunning jewelry and more, SCI’s auctions at the 2019 SCI Hunters’ Convention offer a variety of items sure to delight any bidder. Everyone is a winner: the bidder is awarded a valuable product or experience and SCI gets crucial funds to help preserve our hunting heritage and enable conservation efforts to occur around the globe.

Below are items you will find at this year’s auction. For an extensive list of auction items and their descriptions, go to https://www.showsci.org/auction/.

Fausti ‘Classico’ Side-by-Side Shotgun

Fausti Stefano SRL has donated a Fausti ‘Classico’ Side-by-Side Shotgun in 20 gauge. The hammer gun has always fascinated and attracted the more traditional hunters and collectors of fine guns. Fausti remains today as one of the few manufacturers to produce these gorgeous guns for their passionate followers. The ultimate model is called ‘Classico.’ It features newly designed external hammers finished entirely by hand as well as the engraving, a mix of traditional and modern pattern harmoniously engraved in ‘bulino’ style and signed by the engraver, the Master Stefano Muffolini. The ‘Classico’ that Fausti has donated for the Safari Club International 2019 Auction is a 20 gauge version, featuring a 28-in. barrel length, improved cylinder/modified fixed chokes, selected wood with rubber pad, oil finished, hand-checkering, bone and charcoal exclusive finishing and leather case. Beauty and harmony, these are the proper words to describe a remarkable example of Italian craftmanship in this Fausti masterpiece. For more information, visit www.faustiarms.com. Valued at $16,000 Read more

Michigan: share your thoughts with the DNR at upcoming meetings

The Department of Natural Resources is committed to providing Michigan citizens the opportunity to share input and ideas on policy decisions, programs and other aspects of natural resource management and outdoor recreation opportunities. One important avenue for this input is at meetings of the public bodies that advise the DNR and, in some cases, also set policies for natural resource management.

The following boards, commissions, committees and councils will hold public meetings in November. The public is encouraged to attend. The links below will take you to the webpage for each group, where you will find specific meeting locations and, when finalized, meeting agendas. Read more

RMEF, onX Hunt Celebrate Public Lands by Giving Away Elk Hunt with Randy Newberg

MISSOULA, Mont.—How would you like to go on an all-expenses paid elk hunt with public lands hunter Randy Newberg? The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and onX Hunt are sponsoring a 2019 elk hunt giveaway that will allow someone to do just that.

“RMEF is excited to team up with both Randy and onX Hunt so one hunter can take part in an elk hunt that he or she will never forget,” said Steve Decker, RMEF vice president of Marketing. “The experience will also be captured on video and later presented in such a way that viewers can better enjoy elk and our public lands as well as the unique experiences they offer.”

RMEF and onX share an interest in and a passion for conservation, public land and hunting. The onX Hunt RMEF layer on the onX Hunt app highlights land permanently protected by RMEF, access points and current and historic elk ranges.

Randy Newberg is a strong advocate for public lands hunting and volunteers his time to support such efforts in state legislatures and Congress. He also serves as a volunteer and board member for several hunting and conservation groups.

Those interested in entering receive one entry if they have an onX Hunt membership. They receive five entries if they are a member of both RMEF and onX. Read more

New Wildgame Innovations Cloak™ Pro 12

Dallas, TX – When it comes to using scouting cameras to monitor that one big buck’s every move or observe the entire herd’s overall health and development, more is definitely better. No other camera delivers more intuitive, worry-free performance and operation for a better price than Wildgame Innovations’ proven and trusted Cloak™ series. Since its inception, Cloak™ has struck a balance of hunter-preferred features and exceptional value, while delivering steadfast, worry-free reliability. These capable, well-built cameras combine remarkable battery life with user-friendly, intuitive set-up to for infallible performance at an amazingly affordable price.

For 2018, the field-proven hunter-favorite Cloak™ Series has been improved once again, resulting in two great new models with even better processors and increased detection and flash range. The new Wildgame Innovations Cloak™Pro 12 boosts image processing and resolution to 12 megapixels, and features an upgraded 24-piece high-intensity infrared flash with a maximum illumination range of 70 feet. The Wildgame Innovations Cloak™ Pro 12 LightsOut™ has the same 12-megapixel processor, but features a completely invisible 36-piece high-intensity LightsOut™ LED infrared flash, with a super stealthy range of up to 70 feet. Read more

Joe’s First Archery Buck a Good One

By Glen Wunderlich

Longtime friend, Joe Reynolds, had never taken a whitetail buck with archery equipment in some 20 years afield.  However, he did manage to get a doe with a compound bow and a shot that was so bad it was good.  The fatal shot, which was aimed for the typical kill zone of the lungs, was so far off target that it hit the neck and dropped the animal in seconds.  Apart from that one errant arrow and other missed opportunities, and including a careless moment with his crossbow landing him in the emergency room to get his thumb sewn back on, his archery hunting experiences had been rather uneventful.

As a member of the seasoned-citizen ranks, Joe made the switch to a crossbow, when they were made legal for general use in archery season.  The Parker bow would propel its bolts at 352 feet per second with impressive accuracy, but had yet to be tested on a whitetail deer; late afternoon with only minutes of available light remaining a week ago, that all changed.

The call came over the two-way radio, “I just shot a buck!”  He explained that the arrow had hit its mark at 42 yards and was confirmed with an audible “thwack!”  The lighted nock disappeared, as it entered near the shoulder and the potential prize accelerated in high gear and vanished into the woods.

We agreed to wait it out so as not to push the animal into the next county.  Gathering some flashlights and a field dressing kit, that had been assembled in advance, we set out to solve the mystery at 9pm.  Finding no clues at the scene of the incident, we began to search a perpendicular path of the deer’s flight, where Joe had seen it last.  Again, we found no sign.

Joe had a good idea of the approximate line the deer had traveled, so we used our lights in an attempt to locate a blood trail.  Evidence escaped us, as we continued the valiant effort – the effort to discover that red light at the end of the bolt.  Nearly an hour had passed before that blinking light got my attention on the ground ahead.  We had gotten our first clue.

The bolt had finally worked loose and most likely was separated from the deer in some brush but other than a few drops of blood on the ground, we had nothing else to follow.  We stuck to some well-worn trails and about 30 minutes later found more blood that had leaked from the wound channel.  I began randomly searching with the intense beam of an LED flashlight, when I saw the unmistakable white under-belly of the big buck.

We fastened the drag strap to the tall 8-point rack

Joe Reynolds’ Shiawassee County, Michigan Archery Buck

and began the arduous task of dragging Joe’s first archery buck into the open where it was loaded into the bed of a waiting truck. 

Had crossbows not be legalized in Michigan, I’m sure Joe’s archery hunting days would have been finished years ago.  But, the aid of a lighted nock, a modern crossbow, and a good dose of persistence had translated into a memory that will be replayed through the years.

“Do Not Eat” Advisory from the Michigan Departments of Health

MUCC has been in contact with the executive office of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and will continue to share information as it becomes available. We will be hosting an upcoming Conservation Policy Meeting on December 8, 2018 at the Chelsea Rod and Gun Club to learn more about PFAS and fish and wildlife. Stay tuned for more information and to RSVP.
“Do Not Eat” Advisory from the Michigan Departments of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Natural Resources (DNR): Deer in Oscoda Township (Iosco County)
In recent years, experts have become increasingly concerned by the potential effects of high concentrations of PFAS on human health. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), are part of a group of chemicals used globally during the past century in manufacturing, firefighting and thousands of common household and other consumer products.
As part of Michigan’s efforts to identify PFAS in Michigan, deer were tested from areas known to have PFAS contamination in lakes or rivers. Today, MDHHS and DNR issued a ‘Do Not Eat’ advisory for deer taken within five miles of Clark’s Marsh in Oscoda Township, Iosco County. The advisory is due to high levels of PFAS chemicals found in deer taken within five miles of the Marsh.
A map of the advisory area and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the State of Michigan’s PFAS response website.
DNR and MDHHS developed this investigation in response to questions from hunters concerned about harvesting deer in contaminated areas. This is the first study of its kind and very little scientific information exists on whitetail deer and PFAS chemicals.
MDHHS and DNR advise hunters to dispose of any deer in their freezer that may have come from this area into a landfill and do not eat it.
If you have health related questions, contact MDHHS at 1-800-648-6942. Hunters can contact the MDNR at 517-284-6057 or DNR-CustomerService@michigan.gov for information about deer tags that were used in this region.

Do Not Eat Advisory Map

The aging process: How and why deer are aged at DNR check stations

Whether for fun or to better judge preferable animals to target, many hunters have an interest in the ability to age white-tailed deer, whether on the hoof or in hand.

Attempting to determine the age of a deer while it is in the field is a matter of observing a range of physical characteristics based on various age classes. There are numerous resources available online and elsewhere to help hunters learn how to become proficient at doing this.

Each fall, as successful hunters bring their deer in to be registered at Michigan Department of Natural Resources check stations across the state, many of these men and women watch carefully as DNR wildlife technicians and biologists age deer based on characteristics of the animal’s teeth.

The DNR uses the age of harvested animals — not exclusively deer — to model species age structure with the intent to better manage wildlife.

A student check station worker prepares to remove a black bear tooth for aging. Read more

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