New Iowa law allows approved pistol cartridges for use in rifles to hunt deer

New law allows approved pistol cartridges for use in rifles to hunt deer. Only rifles shooting straight wall ammunition .357 caliber or larger with an expanding-type bullet is allowed.Iowa hunters will have a new option this fall while hunting deer during the youth season, disabled hunter season and both shotgun seasons – rifles that are capable of shooting straight walled cartridges.

The law was enacted to allow for a lower recoil option for older and younger hunters, but is available to all hunters in those four seasons. Read more

Being Safe During Deer Hunting Season

By Glen Wunderlich

With the Nov. 15 firearm deer approaching, Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers encourage hunters to brush up on safety tips and hunting regulations to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

The following general safety tips will help to insure that we hunters continue the trend to safer hunting:

o    Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.  That also means that if someone is offering to show you his firearm and presents it to you, ask him to open the action to verify it’s clear.  If you are the one presenting the firearm, make it your automatic policy to show it’s clear before someone else touches it.

o    Keep your finger away from the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.  By following these instructions, others can be sure that the firearm cannot inadvertently discharge.

o    Keep the safety on until you are ready to fire.  A person’s hidden rationale for not using the safety may result from not becoming familiar with the firearm.  As a result, he may leave the gun ready to fire, so as not to forget later.  Or, maybe he forgot to check after loading and chambering a round.  Both are bad excuses.  Practice with the empty gun you will use until the process of taking the gun off “safe” is natural.  Another reason people will intentionally leave a gun in the “fire” position is because some safety mechanisms make an audible click, if operated quickly, and could spook game.  You should  practice operating the safety slowly, so as to minimize any related sound.

o    Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.  It doesn’t matter if you know the gun is empty; make it a habit!   Also, point out any unsafe handling to others, if they get careless.

o    Be certain of your target, and what’s beyond it, before firing.  To be certain of your target, get in the habit of carrying binoculars.  A good harness can make them accessible quickly and some will guard against the elements.  You don’t want to get in the habit of using your scope to identify objects – especially what may turn out to be another hunter!

o    Know the identifying features of the game you hunt.  If you cannot verify that what you are looking at is what you want to kill, hold your fire.  Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up to be the person that tries to explain away your negligence.

o    Unload the firearm before running, climbing a fence or tree, or jumping a ditch.

o    Wear a safety harness when hunting from an elevated platform. Use a haul line to bring the unloaded firearm up and down the raised platform.

o    Always wear a hat, cap, vest or jacket of hunter orange, visible from all sides, with a minimum of 50 percent hunter orange during daylight hunting hours, even if hunting on private land. The law also applies to archery hunters during firearm season.

o    Always let someone know where you are hunting and when you plan to return. This information helps conservation officers and others locate you, if you become injured or lost.

o    Carry a cell phone into the woods. Not only does it let you call for help, if necessary, but newer phones emit a signal that can help rescuers locate you.  Double check to make sure it’s in quiet mode, though.

o    Program the DNR’s Report All Poaching (RAP) line (800-292-7800) in your phone contacts so you can alert conservation officers to any natural resources violations you may witness.

USFWS Expands Hunting and Fishing on National Wildlife Refuges

Lake Darling, a main focal point of Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge, was named after political cartoonist Jay N. “Ding” Darling. Photo Credit: Jennifer Jewett / USFWS

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Expands Hunting and Fishing Opportunities on North Dakota National Wildlife Refuges

DENVER – In a continuing effort to increase access to hunting and fishing on public lands, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced a final rule to open or expand opportunities across 132,000 acres on 10national wildlife refuges. This will bring the number of refuges where the public may hunt up to 373 and up to 311 where fishing is permitted. Read more

MI DNR conservation officers provide tips for a safe, enjoyable hunting season

As the Nov. 15 firearm deer season opener nears, Michigan Department of Natural Resources conservation officers encourage hunters to brush up on safety tips and hunting regulations to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience.

“Firearm deer season is a special time of year in Michigan,” Cpl. Dave Painter said. “It brings family and friends DEER 3 COPYtogether in celebration of our state’s great outdoor heritage. Staying safe, knowing the laws and being good stewards of our resources will help hunters have a memorable outing.”

Painter reminds hunters that a mandatory deer check is in place within certain areas of the state due to the confirmation of chronic wasting disease, a fatal neurological disease found in deer, elk and moose. Hunters harvesting a deer in these CWD areas must bring it to a DNR check station within 72 hours. Visit for a map and list of check stations.

Regardless of where deer are harvested in Michigan, the DNR encourages all hunters to voluntarily take them to the nearest check station to help with disease surveillance. In addition, big-game hunters who travel outside of Michigan should be aware of new regulations restricting the importation of harvested cervids.

Painter also offered the following general safety tips:

    • Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
    • Keep your finger away from the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
    • Keep the safety on until you are ready to fire.
    • Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
    • Be certain of your target, and what’s beyond it, before firing.
    • Know the identifying features of the game you hunt.
    • Make sure you have an adequate backstop. Don’t shoot at a flat, hard surface or water.
    • Unload the firearm before running, climbing a fence or tree, or jumping a ditch.
    • Wear a safety harness when hunting from an elevated platform. Use a haul line to bring the unloaded firearm up and down the raised platform.
    • Avoid alcoholic beverages or behavior-altering medicines or drugs before or during a hunt.
    • Always wear a hat, cap, vest or jacket of hunter orange, visible from all sides, during daylight hunting hours, even if hunting on private land. The law also applies to archery hunters during firearm season.
    • Make sure at least 50 percent of any camouflage pattern being worn is in hunter orange.
    • Always let someone know where you are hunting and when you plan to return. This information helps conservation officers and others locate you if you become injured or lost.
    • Carry a cell phone into the woods. Not only does it let you call for help if necessary, but newer phones emit a signal that can help rescuers locate you. Also consider downloading a compass or flashlight app.
    • Program the DNR’s Report All Poaching (RAP) line (800-292-7800) in your phone contacts so you can alert conservation officers to any natural resources violations you may witness.

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ICOtec Introduces CG300 Reaper Electronic Predator Call

The GC300, also known as The Reaper, offers an outstanding remote technology that is unrivaled in the industry. Up to 300 yards (900 feet) with true no-line-of-sight required to activate the main speaker unit. The caller includes 12 of the most effective, field-proven, real animal sounds that get tremendous results. The Reaper uses minimal battery power, there is an integrated low battery monitoring and indication system for hunters to test their batteries before they leave the house so they are not left high and dry in the field. The system includes the ability to play two sounds simultaneously furthering your success rate at attracting predators. While the unit has tremendous volume and crisp clear sound quality, we have included an external speaker port for hunters in windy conditions. Read more

The New Outlaw Electronic Game Call by ICOtec

ICOtec has a new caller scheduled for delivery to the market place in January 2018. The much louder and larger product has been designed for predator hunters in wide open, windy or mountainous terrain. Adding this larger and more expensive product to our electronic game call line up was not an easy decision since our success has been built on a very low price point. Although the pricing for ICOtec calls and decoys is one of the industry’s lowest, our customers do not sacrifice on quality, performance or value.

The Outlaw will host the following features: 900 feet remote control range, large 10 watt PA speaker, ability to play two separate sounds at the same time, the ability to pause and restart either call sound separately, save up to 20 favorite sounds for instant recall for fast sound file access, large remote display screen with larger font, day and night display settings with brightness adjustment, display sleep mode settings, sound file spacing options for automatic sound delay, external speaker port for additional volume in extreme conditions, a free electronic decoy included, tripod mount and much more. Read more

Huge Mulie with a Bergara B14 Hunter


Jason Rost, harvests a 240 plus Mule Deer with a Bergara B14 Hunter

Jason Rost harvests a 240? plus Mule Deer with a Bergara B14 Hunter


Jason Roast, a central Idaho native, crossed a bridge that we, as hunters, all dream of crossing one day by addinsqueezed the trigger on the buck as he crossed the 350-yard mark. g a huge buck to our trophy wall. You see, last week, Jason and his brother took to the lava fields of Central Idaho in search of a buck that they had been watching for a few weeks that they felt confident would tip the scales at over 200 inches. Prepping for this outing, the brothers had their Bergara B14 Hunter 6.5 Creedmoor tuned up with a custom hand load that had been giving some amazing groups and having Jason feeling comfortable out past 400 yards and ready to hit the ground running.

With a rough score of 245 inches…it’s a safe bet to say that this could be the largest buck currently harvested with a Bergara Rifle in 2017

Jason Roast, a central Idaho native, crossed a bridge that we, as hunters, all dream of crossing one day by adding a huge buck to our trophy wall.

Chomping at the bit and waiting for daylight, Jason and his brother made it to their hunting location on public land not knowing how their lives would change in the coming hours. Read more

MDF Opposes AZ Ballot to Initiative to End Mountain Lion, Bobcat Hunting

Mule Deer Foundation Opposes Proposed Arizona Ballot
Initiative to End Mountain Lion, Bobcat Hunting

Salt Lake City, Utah: The Mule Deer Foundation opposes the proposed ballot initiative in Arizona that would end hunting of mountain lions and bobcats. MDF believes that wildlife populations should not be managed by ballot initiatives. State wildlife agencies, especially the Arizona Game & Fish Department, have a great track record of managing wildlife species. Predators can have a dramatic impact on the populations of their prey items. Mountain lions, bobcats and other predators need to be managed at a level that balances their populations with big game population levels.

“Professionals in the wildlife agency need to manage all wildlife, including predators.
The Humane Society of the United States, a California-based animal rights organization and other anti-hunting groups are only concerned with stopping hunting and not the health of all wildlife populations,” says Miles Moretti, President/CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation. “We have seen these groups attempt their ballot initiatives in several states. They won’t stop trying to meet their goal of ending all hunting.” Read more

Browning Trail Cameras: Defender 940 Cameras

The Defender 940 is a super compact surveillance camera that takes both nighttime images and videos using invisible IR illumination for the best concealment in any application. The Defender 940 also features Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity via the free Browning Trail Cameras mobile app that allows you to preview and download crisp 20MP images and full HD quality videos right to your mobile phone or tablet without disturbing your camera in the field. The free mobile app also allows users to adjust camera settings, and even view a live preview feed from the camera, right in the palm of your hand, up to a distance of approximately 60 yards.
Additionally, the Defender 940 camera has a solid detection range of 80 feet and an adjustable infrared flash at night that can be adjusted for low power usage or long range functionality. The durable compact camera case that houses the camera, features an all steel adjustable tree mount to perfectly aim your camera in the field. And to make things better, the Defender 940 cameras come with one 16GB Micro SDXC memory card and four CR123A lithium batteries to help you get up and running as soon as possible. Read more

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