The Michigan Department of Natural Resources offers free educational opportunities to help educators looking for a fun way to integrate the state’s unique flora and fauna into their curriculum, while still meeting required educational standards.
To date, over 5,000 ninth- through 12th-grade students have been exposed to natural resources in the classroom with Elk University – Educating Tomorrow’s Wildlife Managers. Elk University is designed to fit into teachers’ busy semester while meeting educational standards and touching on Michigan history, forest management, elk biology, wildlife disease and social considerations for wildlife management. Through YouTube lessons and activities, students will learn how the DNR manages and maintains a healthy elk herd for current and future generations.
A Year in the Life of a Michigan Black Bear, beginning its fourth year, is available to sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade educators. Throughout the school year students will learn about the life cycle of the Michigan black bear, general black bear biology and behavior, and how the DNR manages and maintains a healthy black bear population. Additionally, over the school year, classrooms will get to “follow” a bear through its seasonal movements by using actual data points from a radio-collared Michigan black bear.
New last year, the Go Wild for Michigan’s Wildlife program is open to kindergarten through fifth-grade educators. Through this program, teachers can share the wonders of Michigan’s wild inhabitants with young learners to build appreciation for these unique species and the places they call home. Materials include lesson plans, wildlife posters for the classroom and sets of “Go Wild for Michigan’s Wildlife” critter cards for students. Sets of the critter cards for students are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. An electronic copy of the critter cards will be provided to all registered educators.
Educators are asked to register for these classroom programs by Sept. 30.
To register, visit and click on “Wildlife Education and Outreach,” then select the program(s) you are interested in.
Explore additional DNR education and outreach opportunities and resources at