The New Gravity Series from Moultrie Feeders

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Moultrie Products introduces the Dinner Plate Gravity Series of game feeders. The all new Dinner Plate Feeder Kit dispenses feed on demand and can accommodate both corn and protein for maximum flexibility. Available options include the Dinner Plate Feeder Kit, 30-Gallon Dinner Plate Feeder, or the 55-Gallon Dinner Plate Feeder. The specially designed adapter included can be used to convert most barrels and hoppers to receive the quick locking Dinner Plate Kit.

Moultrie’s Dinner Plate Feeder Kit has been designed to offer flexible feeding options, while eliminating the need for batteries or relying on electronic timers, providing a simple yet effective feeder. This feeder design accommodates corn or protein — up to 2.25″ in length and .25″ in diameter — and feeds deer on their schedule. The Moultrie Dinner Plate Feeder Kit has an MSRP of $39.99.

Moultrie’s 30-Gallon Dinner Plate Feeder is less than 6 feet in height, makes it extremely easy to fill from ground level. A High-quality, UV-resistant hopper is designed to weather the elements for many seasons and also features three integrated camera mounts allowing you to monitor feeding activity. The Moultrie 30-Gallon Dinner Plate Feeder has an MSRP of $109.99. Read more

Know Your Woods with the New A-7i Game Camera

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Moultrie Products is proud to introduce yet another game-changing product into an already outstanding line of trail cameras. The all new Moultrie A-7i has all the key features an avid deer hunter needs in a game camera, with the ability to capture images of even the most skittish bucks in the woods. At a price that’s hard to beat, the A-7i will be an instant must-have for both new and previous Moultrie game camera users alike.

Built on the platform of Moultrie’s best-selling A-5 game camera, the A-7i is now the lowest priced, iNVISIBLE flash camera in the Moultrie family. With black LED’s for imperceptible flash operation, this camera was developed specifically to be utilized in any scouting situation without alerting prey. With the rugged new look of the entire Moultrie lineup, the A-7i includes a functional LED array design for better break up and concealment in the woods and improvements in weather resistance and reliability. Read more

Spring turkey hunters can apply for license now through Feb. 1

The Department of Natural Resources today announced that spring turkey hunting applications are now on sale through Saturday, Feb 1. The 2015 spring turkey season runs April 20 through May 31, with several different hunt periods to choose from. “Hunters looking for the greatest flexibility may wish to purchase a Hunt 234 license. You can buy this license starting March 16, no application required, and it’s valid from May 4-31.

It’s valid for all open areas of the state except the public lands of southern Michigan,” said DNR upland game bird specialist Al Stewart. “Spring turkey hunting is a big deal here in Michigan. We’re ranked seventh in the nation for turkey harvest, harvesting over 30,000 turkeys.”

The application is $5 and may be purchased anywhere hunting licenses are sold or online at Hunters may purchase only one spring turkey hunting license. Information about spring turkey hunting can be found at Read more

Calling Mature Bucks

 by Todd Amenrud

Whitetails vocalize to communicate a variety of socially important information… well, important to a whitetail anyhow. Their sounds vary in pitch and intensity and just a slight change in either can give the sound a different meaning. Most importantly, I know they can be called to us by imitating these sounds. Aside from a doe and her young fawns during the spring, whitetails are most vocal during the fall months and breeding season. Making the right sound at the right time can be an exciting way to fill a tag and put a trophy on the wall.

A whitetail’s sense of hearing is what we’re trying to reach when using a call so we need to understand a few things about it. The average hunter would say that a whitetail has much better hearing than a human. Actually, our ear drum is more sophisticated. Humans have the capabilities to pick up higher pitch and lower pitch frequencies, however, imagine if you had two huge, open-ended cones that you could direct and cup sound with. Because of the style of their ears a whitetail can distinguish and pinpoint the location of sounds much better.

As far as the often asked question, “how loud should I blow my call?” The short answer is, “make the sound the same volume that a real whitetail would.” Experience is the best teacher. Adult deer communicate through grunts, bleats, bawls, bellows, snorts, hisses and wheezes. The two most common sounds are grunts and bleats. Varying the tone, length or volume can give them totally different meanings. Both bucks and does make both grunts and bleats. Read more

DSC Urges Feds to Review Science, Permit Black Rhino Hunt

DALLAS – The U.S. government is deciding whether an American hunter should be allowed to bring home the taxidermy from a tentatively planned black rhino hunt in Namibia. An import permit could be approved or denied any day. DSC is urging the feds to make their decision based on the best available science, not emotional rhetoric.

DSC outlined its request in a formal letter submitted during a public comment period.

The letter reiterates the hunt is for a single, aged, non-breeding male known to charge and kill younger bulls, cows and even calves. This behavior, well documented in scientific literature, jeopardizes the future of the herd.

Since black rhinos are critically endangered, all forms of additive mortality “must be addressed in a manner that adds to stabilization and growth” of remaining populations, wrote Ben Carter, DSC executive director. Read more

NRANEWS Cam & Co. Gets New Time Slot

NEW BERLIN, WI – Beginning today (January 5, 2015) Sportsman Channel’s popular, news-talk, outdoor show – NRANEWS Cam & Co. – will be airing at 5 p.m. ET.

Hosted by Cam Edwards, and airing from the NRANEWS Studios in Farmville, Va., and Washington D.C., NRANEWS Cam & Co. is the first and only news-talk series on television that can authoritatively address the issues that are vital to more than 80 million American sportsmen and sportswomen. The show is celebrating 10 years of broadcasting on The show is also simulcast on SiriusXM (Patriot and Patriot Plus) and podcasts are available on iTunes and iHeartRadio. From segments like Curator’s Corner sponsored by Bass Pro Shops, Ask Cam and Armed Citizen Files, Cam & Co. presents the news of the day in an engaging, real-time manner.

“We had a great 2014 bringing the news, stories, people and places we cover daily to our passionate, national Sportsman Channel audience,” said Edwards. “The tremendous success we’ve experienced with first our online show and now the TV show underscores the desire for this type of programming to meet the underserved needs for accurate, balanced and honest information about the topics, news and events that matter to America’s millions of active sportsmen and sportswomen.”

“There is no other daily TV show like Cam & Co. out there,” said Marc Fein, executive vice president, programming and production of Sportsman Channel. “This entertaining and informative show, highlighted by Cam’s intelligent insight and perspective to vital issues, discussion with big-name guests, and special weekly and daily segments will be a great lead-in to our prime-time slate.” Read more

Barnett Crossbrows Offers Buck Commander Rage Model

The Barnett Buck Commander Rage represents a quantum leap in crossbow evolution. It combines the best design elements from all Barnett crossbows into one light-weight, hard-hitting package. If its strikingly good looks don’t grab your attention, its performance and features surely will.

Most notable is the combination of the lightweight CarbonLite Riser with reverse draw technology. This creates significantly less vibration and noise than a traditional draw crossbow without sacrificing speed or accuracy. In this radical new reverse draw configuration, the limb pockets are moved closer to the trigger assembly and the limbs face forward on the bow, thus shifting the center of gravity
closer to the shooter’s body. This drastically reduces the weight at the front of the
crossbow, which is essential for a well-balanced shot.

In addition, the CarbonLite Riser assembly further reduces the weight without
compromising strength or accuracy. The most technically advanced riser ever
created for a crossbow, the CarbonLite Riser removes approximately 43% of weight from the riser, which dramatically shifts the balance point to the shoulder. Read more

Zeiss Expands Web-Based Ballistic Calculator

NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA – Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world’s leading manufacturer in high performance sports optics, is pleased to announce the latest addition to their online ballistic calculator, the ASV+ bullet drop compensation system. This completely new module was developed for the various ballistic target turret solutions, such as ASV+ for VICTORY HT, as well as the lockable target knob turrets for the CONQUEST HD 5 series riflescopes. It is fully compatible with the latest Windows or Mac versions and the most popular web-browsers.

The new update virtually eliminates all guesswork for hunters and sport shooting enthusiasts alike. The user-friendly, intuitive ZEISS Ballistic Calculator developed by a team of the most experienced ballistics engineers, promises to help hunters and sport shooters of all levels to master the long-range shot. The update features a new design layout, country and language selection (English, German, Russian), and metric or standard (imperial) input and output. The program also features enhanced calculations for RAPID-Z, RZ-6 and RZ-8 ballistic reticles.

“With this newest update to our web based ballistic calculator, users will be able to access a fast and reliable method to calculate bullet trajectory and adjustment needed from an extensive library of manufacturer and handload bullet data. It enhances the cutting edge technology of our ballistic reticles and turret systems,” stated Mike Jensen, President of Carl Zeiss Sports Optics. “We are constantly striving to provide truly innovative technology that will compliment every skill set for our passionate customers”.

About ASV+
The idea behind the bullet drop compensation ASV+ for the VICTORY HT riflescope series is to achieve accurate aiming at all times. The system allows the user to adjust the elevation by simply turning the selected turret ring to the desired distance as marked on the elevation ring. The ASV+ system comes with ten high quality metal rings (one linear scale and nine distance scales), to accommodate the different bullet drop curves. Using the free web based ballistic calculator you can select the ring that comes closest to the trajectory of your chosen bullet type. These rings can be installed or exchanged quickly if another load is needed for a different hunting or shooting situation. The fine markings between each ballistic ring allow even more exact adjustments to be made to the different trajectories. This makes the ASV+ very precise The user only has to know the distance to the target then set the distance on the ASV+ turret and take careful aim.
The same system can be used for calculating the ballistic drop and adjustment required for the CONQUEST HD5, CONQUEST DL and older CONQUEST MC riflescopes with target turrets.

About the Web Based Ballistic Calculator
The ZEISS Ballistic Calculator allows users to first select from Rapid-Z/RZ ballistic reticle optimal power setting calculations or VICTORY ASV+ or CONQUEST target turret calculations and their ZEISS Riflescope from a drop-down menu. They then have the ability to select factory or hand load data as well as environmental variables, and then the system will calculate and display the optimum setting. The system allows the user to adjust standard settings for altitude, temperature, and incline angle as well as advanced settings for muzzle velocity, sight height above bore and sight-in distance. A convenient print/save or email option is also available to help users organize and process the information (pdf format) for field reference.

“The entire ballistic reticle marketplace is generally complex and confusing to most shooters.” stated Mike Jensen. “We have spent hundreds of man hours simplifying our system, making it more user friendly and self-explanatory. It’s the most accurate and simplistic system in the industry, designed by hunters for hunters and we are proud that it works exclusively with our RAPID-Z, RZ6, RZ8 reticles and now our ASV+ system.”
Check out the ZEISS Ballistic Calculator at

An updated app for iOS and Android devices with the enhanced features mentioned above will be available in Spring 2015. Read more

Tree Stand Buddy Allows Hunters to Be Versatile

Is there anything more frustrating than watching the buck of a lifetime stroll past your fixed stand just out of bow range? Or maybe the buck you’ve been hunting switched from food plots to acorns.

Good hunters change with the deer. Tree Stand Buddy® allows every hunter to become a versatile hunter, thanks to an innovative bracket and receiver system that allows you to hunt where the deer are – quickly, safely and easily.

Simply attach the bracket to your favorite portable tree stand and strap the receiver to any tree with the provided straps. Then, lift your stand up the tree with a rope, and slide it into the receiver. It’s that easy! Read more

Organized coyote and wolf hunt planned in Montana

Another predator hunting contest with a unique twist:  Organizer John Harris said, “The way I understand it, you can’t pay for a wolf or coyote to be brought in,” Harris said. “All the prizes will be from random drawings, whether you’re hunting or trapping, and whether you get one or not. It’s a way to get people out in the woods for a fun weekend.”

It’s also a way to get the anti-hunters riled up, but when did they ever need a good reason anyway to hate hunters.  Go get ’em boys and girls!

Details here…

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