Of Food Plots and Gambling

By Glen Wunderlich

Whenever there’s a hyped-up advertisement for some purported “great” investment, there’s always a disclaimer along with it to the effect that there’s no guarantee of success based on past performance.  On the other hand, a poor track record doesn’t necessarily indicate certain failure on another given gamble.  So, too, it is with the farmer who rolls the dice no matter what.

With late-season food plot establishment a month away, hunters-turned-farmers will join the gambling contingent when they sow their chosen seed in August.  Read more

Sightmark Tru Shot

Mansfield, TX-The Sightmark Tru Shot reflex sight is a unique, midsized, lightweight reflex sight in the Sightmark reflex sight family. The Tru Shot is available in two models that offer the choice of a fixed mount or quick detach mount. Its compact size limits the obstruction of the surroundings in the line of sight. Specifically designed to maintain all important peripheral vision and depth perception, the Tru Shot is designed to be fired with both eyes open. Read more

Mossberg Announces Silver Reserve II Series of Break-Action Shotguns Now Available

North Haven, CT – In 2005, Mossberg International™ introduced the family of Silver Reserve over-and-under shotguns to fill a void recognized in the shooting sports and in the field – that of an affordable break-action gun. A series of side-by-side offerings joined the line-up in 2008. Now Mossberg is pleased to announce the next generation of these classically-styled and handsomely-crafted shotguns – the Silver Reserve II Series with the features that hunters and shooters expect from high-quality double guns. Read more

Mossy Oak Is Proud To Support Two Million Bullets

July 2012

Two Million Bullets








WEST POINT, MS – Youth involvement is crucial to our hunting and outdoor heritage and that is why Mossy Oak is proud to be a supporter of the call-to-action program Two Million Bullets.

Two Million Bullets is challenging hunters and shooters to make youth the top priority in the nation’s conservation effort. Camp Compass Academy’s founder and award-winning professional educator, John Annoni is spearheading the mission to not lose anymore ground with the future of shooting and hunting in the U.S. Annoni’s success as a leader in helping youth lead better lives through gun related activities demonstrates his track record in program creation, mentoring, educating and fostering American outdoor values. Read more

Put the Odds in Your Favor with Tink’s Predator Scents

The same qualities that keep predators such as coyotes, bobcats and foxes at the top of the food chain also make them difficult to hunt. Not only are these predators intelligent, but they have remarkably keen senses that alert them not only to potential prey, but to the hunters in their area. Tink’s predator lures manipulate their unbelievable sense of smell to work in the hunter’s favor. Irrisistible to predators, these scents help to level the playing field a bit. Read more

Michigan’s Hunters Helping Landowners Program Approved by Governor


AN ACT to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled “An act to protect the environment and natural resources of the state; to codify, revise, consolidate, and classify laws relating to the environment and natural resources of the state; to regulate the discharge of certain substances into the environment; to regulate the use of certain lands, waters, and other natural resources of the state; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state and local agencies and officials; to provide for certain charges, fees, assessments, and donations; to provide certain appropriations; to prescribe penalties and provide remedies; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding section 43526a; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 43526a. (1) The department shall establish a hunters helping landowners program.

(2) The program shall do each of the following:

(a) Allow an individual who is willing to harvest antlerless deer to submit an application each year to the department to participate in the program, indicating in which counties the individual would be willing to harvest antlerless deer. An individual shall not register to harvest antlerless deer under the program in more than 2 counties.

(b) Allow landowners who feel they need additional antlerless deer harvested on their property, or a lessee of the property with the landowner’s permission, to contact the department and request a list containing all the individuals who indicated that they would be willing to harvest antlerless deer in the landowner’s or lessee’s county.

(3) The department shall include in any list sent to landowners or lessees under this section a notification that the department has not verified that the individuals included on that list possess valid hunting licenses.

(4) On January 1 of each year, the department shall delete all information obtained during the previous year under subsection (2)(a).

(5) The department shall make each of the following available on the department’s website:

(a) A list of all the deer hunting licenses and permits available in this state.

(b) The criteria for qualifying for each of the licenses or permits listed in subdivision (a).

(c) A list of where to obtain the licenses or permits listed in subdivision (a).

(6) The department shall indicate on all forms and information about the program that participation in the program is voluntary.

(7) As used in this section, “program” means the hunters helping landowners program established under subsection (1).

(8) This section is repealed effective January 1, 2017.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Duck Populations Hit All-Time High


North America’s total spring duck population is the highest ever recorded, according to the annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey released Tuesday.
Conducted each May by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Canadian Wildlife Service, the survey puts the duck population at 48.6 million birds. That represents a 7 percent increase from 2011’s record number of 45.6 million. Read more

NSSF Answers Google’s “No Gun” Shopping Policy

Google, a company that should know better than to censor the flow of online information, has chosen to ban search results related to firearms and other products it deems not “family safe” in its Google Shopping function. Until recently, gun-related products appeared just like other products in search results, giving shoppers a powerful price-comparison tool. But not anymore. Read more
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