Pheasant survey predicts a repeat of last year’s excellent hunting for most of Iowa

Young pheasants fly from the gravel road edge to the safety of standing corn. The Iowa DNR’s recently completed annual pheasant survey predicts a similar population as in 2021, which is good news for hunters. Photo courtesy of the Iowa DNR.

Results of Iowa’s 2022 pheasant population survey are in and the results were nearly identical to that of 2021, when hunters harvested the highest number of roosters in more than a decade.

The annual August roadside survey found Iowa’s statewide pheasant population to be slightly under 20 birds per 30-mile route. Read more

Montana Issues 2022 Hunting Forecasts


  • 2022 big game hunting forecast
  • 2022 upland game bird forecast
  • Hunters must expect to see bears
  • Reminder in the field this hunting season: Be a good steward of the land
  • Ask first to hunt on private land
  • Turn in poachers – call 1-800-TIP-MONT

2022 big game hunting forecast

HELENA – Are you ready for hunting season? FWP can help. In addition to the following hunting forecast, FWP provides online information about hunting access, including our popular Block Management Program. Through the program, we coordinate with landowners to provide hunting access to more than 7 million acres of private land.

The interactive Hunt Planner map allows users to look at information for various species, including hunting districts and regulations. The hunt planner interactive map is a great way to access our block management information, so if you’re planning a hunt in a certain area, you can see if there are Block Management Areas available to expand your opportunity. Read more

Simplify Dog Training with Delta SE from Garmin

Palm-sized remote trainer provides intuitive at-home or in-field dog training


OLATHE, Kan./August 31, 2022/Outdoor Wire—Garmin® International, Inc., a unit of Garmin Ltd. (NYSE: GRMN), today announced the Delta® SE handheld and collar. Using Garmin’s trusted dog training technology, the new ergonomic handheld offers an easy-to-use form factor. Whether at home or on the hunt, users will enjoy the simple, one-handed operation of Delta SE, so they can keep their focus on their dog, not their handheld device. Read more

Squirrel Hunting Strategy with a Rimfire

By Glen Wunderlich

Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

The month of September offers some of the finest weather Michigan has to offer, as the door is opened to another hunting season.  Outdoor enthusiasts are called to the colorful display of autumn colors in our vast deciduous forests and anglers have a final chance at stream trout before the season ends on the final day of September.  In addition, small game hunters have their first shot at grouse and woodcock, while others blend squirrel hunting with whitetail deer scouting.

With my campsite strategically reserved the week following opening day the 15th, my plan is to do it all but with a focus on bushytails in the big woods.  Here are some considerations, if you choose to combine a leisurely stroll in the hardwoods, while testing your marksmanship.

* While shotguns can be effective, save them and their problematic pellets for the birds.  The best tool for the job is a scoped .22 rimfire rifle.  Everyone seems to want to brag how they can pluck the wings off a fly at 50 paces with their .22 rifle, but when it comes down to it, it’s cheap talk.  Here’s a rule one can take to the field:  With your chosen ammo, you must be able to keep 9 out of 10 shots within 1.5 inch groups.  Get as close to the target as you must to produce this level of accuracy.

Vintage Mossberg up to the Task

* Make sure to use a scope designed for rimfires.  That’s because their parallax is set to focus at closer ranges.  Typical high-power rifle scopes can leave the uninitiated looking for the culprit in their inconsistent target results.

* Supersonic ammo is not needed and is almost always not as accurate as sub-sonic ammo.  (Target and standard velocity options are all sub-sonic for this reason.)  High velocity and hyper velocity are also noisy, because they break the sound barrier (approximately 1120 feet-per-second).

* Install a sling before heading afield.  The use of a sling allows hunters to use their hands to operate binoculars – a must for seeing the unseen.  Properly used, slings can steady shots, as well.

* A binocular harness keeps the glass protected, while allowing quick access.  Simple straps will cause binoculars to get in the way at times.

* A seat is always useful for sitting and glassing, but carrying one along can be too much.  Consider a seat or pad that hooks to one’s belt.

* A small backpack can hold necessities such as plastic bags for game, latex gloves for field dressing game, freezer packs, insect repellant, lunch and a drink, etc.

Practice sessions should include various ranges to verify point of impact.  With a 50-yard zero, it will be necessary to confirm bullet placement at closer ranges for ethical confidence afield.

Find the nut trees to find bushytails.  Hickory nuts are favorites of the tree-dwellers and are worth observing from a distance.  When scanning surroundings, do so next to a tree for potential use as a steady rest for precise shooting.

I find more squirrels by listening than looking.  No doubt that early season leaves can obstruct vision, but they work both ways.  Listen for acorn remnants falling from trees in one particular spot and move into position.

A sharp knife is needed, because a squirrel’s hide is tough.  However, the sooner the cleaning is finished, the easier it is.

For table fare, cut them into pieces and par-boil before the preferred method of cooking, frying or grilling.  And, if you can’t wrap your head around eating one, you simply are not hungry.

Michigan: maintenance project at Maple River State Game Area may impact early-season waterfowl hunting

A maintenance project underway in units A and B of Maple River State Game Area, located on either side of U.S. 127, just north of the Maple River in Gratiot County, may impact early goose and teal hunting seasons.

The project involves repairing and strengthening the water-retaining structure to ensure it can withstand annual flooding events. Water levels in each unit will be lowered for several weeks while the project is ongoing. The project is scheduled to be completed by early September, but low water levels in the river may prevent the units’ water levels from fully recovering to normal levels prior to the October waterfowl season.

Hunting is allowed while construction is happening. We encourage hunters to scout the area ahead of time and plan their hunts accordingly. Those who plan to visit the area should park vehicles and trailers away from the construction site to avoid delaying work on the project.

For questions about Maple River State Game Area, contact the DNR Rose Lake Field Office at 517-641-4092.

Michigan: DNR’s Next Round of ARPA-Funded State Park Projects Totals More Than $108 Million

Those who regularly spend time in Michigan state parks, trails and waterways know there is a lot to love: beautiful, natural spaces, room to roam, historic sites and so much more. With the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ second round of infrastructure projects starting to take shape, there is even more to look forward to – courtesy of record-breaking federal funding.

A total of $250 million in federal relief funding was made available to the DNR to help address its long list of critical needs in Michigan state parks. These American Rescue Plan Act funds are part of a $4.8 billion infrastructure package signed in March 2022 as part of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Building Michigan Together Plan.

“Michigan’s beautiful, award-winning state parks are the backdrop of countless memories for millions of people every year,” said Gov. Whitmer. “In April, I was proud to work across the aisle and sign the Building Michigan Together Plan, which made the largest investment ever in our state and local parks. The plan will fund improvements, renovations and upgrades, ensuring our parks remain great places to visit and continue to support tens of thousands of jobs and countless local economies. Pure Michigan is anchored by our state parks, and I will work with anyone to keep investing in them and powering tourism and recreation small businesses across the state. Let’s keep working together to ensure our public parks can thrive for generations.” Read more

Buck Knives Offers Dove Hunting Tips

POST FALLS, ID—Dove season heralds the beginning of the fall hunting seasons for many hunters across America. Dove hunts are also great times to meet family and friends for an enjoyable day outdoors.

The professionals at Buck Knives offers these tips for dove hunters:

*Scout your hunting site and search for dove travel zones, such as open corridors between tall trees, or lanes from a resting area to the field. Position yourself off to one side of these dove flight lanes when you hunt.

*Select a hunting location where you can sit with the sun at your back so you have better visibility of the sky overhead without enduring sun glare and sit slightly ahead of brush or fence lines that can help break up your outline. Read more

Register for APEX Outdoor Rewards

Reserve your Spot in the 2022 Whitetail Challenge Before September 1st and SAVE

– APEX Outdoor Rewards is preparing for the upcoming fall hunting season and another successful Whitetail Challenge. For 2021 APEX paid out almost $60,000 to APEX Hunters and this fall is setting up to be even bigger. APEX Outdoor Rewards offers state specific hunting challenges awarding a cash prize purse to hunters who successfully record and submit their harvest(s).

Participation in the APEX Whitetail Challenge is simple. Hunters must register in the state or states that they plan to hunt, video record and document a hunt that results in a harvested buck, score that buck with the provided antler measuring tape and submit the animal to APEX. Upon completion of the hunting season the winners for each participating state will be announced. Payout is based off the number of entries with a maximum of only 1,500 entries per state. Read more

Utah: What Hunters Should Know for 2022 Deer and Elk Hunts

SALT LAKE CITY — Several years of ongoing drought conditions have impacted mule deer populations across the state. Here are a few things people hunting deer and elk in Utah this fall should know.

Drought impacts deer by decreasing their body fat (because there are fewer plants and available food sources on the landscape). If the does have poor body fat and nutrition, it leads to smaller fawns, and those fawns have a decreased chance of surviving. If an adult deer has too little body fat at the beginning of the winter — especially a severe winter — it will often not survive the winter months. Recent deer research, conducted in Utah, has shown that the amount of fat deer have going into the winter has more of an impact on their likelihood to survive than the conditions and severity of the winter itself.

Drought conditions have persisted for several years in Utah, and long-term drought-related impacts to Utah’s deer and elk populations are still lingering. However, monsoon rains last fall and again this summer have improved vegetative conditions, especially at higher elevations, and deer appear to be in good body condition.

“We still need a few more years with favorable weather patterns to help us fully recover from drought and increase deer numbers,” Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Big Game Coordinator Dax Mangus said. “Elk populations are more stable, but could also benefit from increased precipitation and better forage on the landscape.” Read more

10 Mind-blowing Big Game Entries 

With some hunting seasons underway and others right around the corner, your head should be in the game by now. If not, then let us help with some of the top trophies of the 31st and upcoming 32nd Awards periods for Boone and Crockett. If this doesn’t get your blood pumping, then you should really check your pulse.


Dana Haff connected with this great buck at 12 yards in . It’s the new record in Cayuga County, New York.

See All 10 Field Photos

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