Latest Harvest Reporting Numbers and a Friendly Reminder to Report Your Harvest

The numbers through opening weekend are in. As of Tuesday morning, there have been a total of 168,755 deer reported for all seasons. For the latest overall numbers, or more specific numbers by county, check out the deer harvest report summary page.
Remember, if you were successful over the opening weekend, deer hunters are required to report their harvest within 72 hours or before transferring possession of the deer (to another person, a processer or taxidermist).
Hunters must continue to attach a paper kill tag to a harvested deer. The kill tag should remain with the head if the head and body of the deer are separated. Anyone in possession of a deer after the harvest reporting timeframe expires should be able to present the confirmation number.
Reporting your harvest is easy through the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app, which you can find on the Apple and Google Play stores. You can also report a harvest online at eLicense. If you need assistance reporting your harvest, you can call 517-284-9453.