New Claims Filed Over SpaceX Launchpad Explosion

Piping Plover by Ray Hennessey.

BROWNSVILLE, Texas, December 15, 2023)— National and local environmental groups and the Carrizo/Comecrudo Nation of Texas, Inc., filed additional legal claims today against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Today’s filing focuses on the agencies’ failure to fully analyze and mitigate environmental harms from the April 20 explosion of the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy rocket and launchpad at Boca Chica in south Texas.

The April 20 launch resulted in the ejection of concrete and metal thousands of feet into the surrounding lands. This included sensitive tidal flats and other habitat for migratory birds and federally protected species covering an approximate 385-acre area, nearly 3 acres of which were sensitive dune vegetation that was severely burned. A plume of dust also blanketed a residential area more than six miles from the launchpad. Read more

Turkey Researchers Plan for Upcoming Capture Season

Wild turkey genetics, nesting success, and brood survival are among the research topics in a 4.5-year, $2 million study launched in 2022 by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and partnering with National Wild Turkey Federation, Turkeys For Tomorrow, Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, and private landowners to address wild turkey population dynamics Following is a summary of recent study activities. Read more

New cases of avian influenza confirmed in Arkansas

LITTLE ROCK — Biologists conducting aerial surveys to generate waterfowl population estimates last week located a few small groups of dead snow geese and Ross’s geese in Arkansas, Craighead and Lonoke counties that were later collected and tested positive for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Additional suspected cases have been found in Prairie, Pulaski, Faulkner, Clay and Poinsett counties. While sightings are not as prevalent as last year’s outbreak, the continued presence of the disease on the landscape does create a need to update hunters and anyone who has domestic birds or poultry livestock.

The risk of humans contracting the disease remains low, but hunters can help further minimize that risk by following a few simple precautions. As a general precaution, hunters should use good hygiene practices when handling, cleaning and preparing harvested waterfowl.

Safety Guidelines for Hunters Read more

Arizona Game and Fish Confirms 3 Coyote Bites in North Phoenix

Arizona Game and Fish Department wildlife officers are actively searching for a coyote or coyotes that have bitten three people since Saturday in the area just east of Interstate 17 and Happy Valley Road in Phoenix.

  • On Saturday, a 4-year-old child was bitten on the lower leg while walking with family members.
  • Also on Saturday, a man who was jogging in the same area was bitten by a coyote.
  • This morning, a man was bitten on the heel by a coyote south of Happy Valley Road near I-17. Read more

Enchanting Owls: Your Guide to Michigan’s Winter Birds

Each winter, Michigan’s landscapes transition from bustling migration activity and bursts of color to leafless trees and frozen ground. This quiet season allows us to hear and see large feathered visitors from the north, such as snowy owls (pictured), boreal owls, great gray owls and northern hawk owls. Surprisingly, these owls spend the winter in Michigan each year for its warmer, balmier weather, which is considerably warmer than the northern boreal forests and Arctic tundra they left behind!

January and February are the best time of year for an owling trip, and Michigan’s eastern Upper Peninsula is one of the best areas to view winter owls. The Shore to Shore Birding Trail can help guide you. Birding trails are driving routes with specific stops identified that offer bird viewing opportunities and can highlight natural and cultural features of local communities. Read more

Fat-tire biking returns to Michigan’s Silver Lake State Park

Starting Friday, Dec. 15, fat-tire biking at Silver Lake State Park in Oceana County is back, with cyclists invited to climb snow-capped dunes and cruise the sandy Lake Michigan shoreline all winter long. It’s a heart-pumping adventure, thanks to the low-impact cardio and the awe-inspiring views.

The park is home to 450 acres of motorized dune riding. Each summer, thousands of motorcycles, quads, four-wheelers and other off-road vehicles descend on these sugar-sand dunes, the only sand dune riding opportunity east of the Mississippi River. Come winter, the recreation options switch to shoreline horseback riding (Nov. 1-30) and then to fat-tire biking (Dec. 15-March 15). Read more

Free Webinar, “Recovery Progress: Record-Breaking Great Lakes Piping Plover Breeding Season”

Thursday, Dec. 14, 1 p.m. EST/noon CST, Via Zoom and Facebook Live

If you enjoyed some time on Great Lakes beaches this summer, you may have encountered a little, sandy-colored shorebird called a piping plover. These birds are part of an endangered population that has been making quite the comeback over the last decade. This year, a new record was shattered: 80 pairs of piping plovers nested in the Great Lakes region – the most pairs since being listed as endangered! And for the first time in the piping plover recovery program’s history, the birds were released outside of Michigan, the population’s stronghold. Read more

Nobody Gives A Hoot About Barred Owls

Barred owl at Malheur NWR

Photo By/Credit Ray Bosch/USFWS
By Glen Wunderlich
Charter Member Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA)

A controversial plan to slaughter many thousands of barred owls in the Pacific Northwest has been drafted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (the Service) in a drastic effort to save threatened spotted owls. Coupled with habitat loss, long-term survival of the declining spotted owl will depend on heavily reducing the population of non-native and invasive barred owls per the Service.

The Service has identified competition from non-native and invasive barred owls as a main threat to the northern spotted owls’ ultimate survival. Barred owls are larger, more aggressive, and more adaptable than northern spotted owls, and thus, displace spotted owls, disrupt their nesting, and compete with them for food. The spotted owl is already struggling because of its reduced habitat and the effect of the barred owls’ presence is an added stressor to an already vulnerable population.

Obviously, facing a moral dilemma to kill one species to save another, the Service has hired an ethicist out of concern for public acceptance.

The Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Plan identified 12 Recovery Actions specific to the barred owl threat, including Recovery Action 29 – “Design and implement large-scale control experiments to assess the effects of barred owl removal on spotted owl site occupancy, reproduction, and survival”.

The Service has conducted an experiment to test the effects of removing barred owls from certain areas of spotted owl habitat to see if it would benefit spotted owls. The Barred Owl Removal Experiment demonstrated success in reducing populations of barred owls and a strong, positive effect on survival of northern spotted owls, which arrested the long-term population declines of northern spotted owls within the removal areas.

The Service has a permit to kill up to 3,600 owls initially and, if the $5 million program succeeds, efforts could continue.

Michael Harris, who heads the wildlife law program for Friends of Animals, believes government should focus on human environmental conflicts and protect habitats rather than scapegoating barred owls. In other words, stop logging to save the birds. However, as our human population grows, so does the need for logs to build homes.

“A decision not to kill the barred owl is a decision to let the spotted owl go extinct,” said Bob Sallinger, conservation director with the Audubon Society of Portland, Oregon. “That’s what we have to wrestle with. I do put the highest priority on preventing extinction, and there is science that shows us this is probably necessary. But this is really a no-win, awful situation we created for ourselves. It is appalling we have to consider these kinds of measures, and incredibly sad.”

To save northern spotted owls, the Service indicated in a draft environmental impact statement that it plans to cull about 20,000 barred owls in the first year, followed by 13,397 birds in the first decade, 16,303 in the second decade, and 17,390 birds in the third decade starting as early as 2025. All tolled, the Service wants hunters to shoot more than 500,000 barred owls.

The 60-day public comment period closes January 16, 2024.

Still, I wonder if owls taste like chicken.

Boone and Crockett Club Approves New Position Statement on Wolf and Grizzly Bear Management


The Boone and Crockett Club maintains that state and tribal wildlife agencies have the expertise and the capacity to successfully manage recovered wolves and grizzlies and refine their management policies to ensure populations remain robust and to mitigate any new challenges that arise. 

The Boone and Crockett Club board of directors passed a new position statement supporting the delisting of recovered wolf and grizzly bear populations and resuming state management and oversight of the two species. The position statement was passed last week during the Club’s 136th Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. For most of its history, the Club and its members have been actively involved in wolf and grizzly bear policy, research, and developing best management practices. The Club understands the biological, sociocultural, economic, and political factors associated with managing these two species, and is well-positioned to help promote results-driven, successful conservation strategies moving forward. Read more

NFWF grants aid 73,000-acre conservation effort in Michigamme Highlands

Awards from Walmart’s Acres for America program and the Life Time Foundation will direct $1 million to the project

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Thursday announced $5.6 million in 10 grants through Walmart’s Acres for America program that will help to permanently protect more than 148,000 acres of wildlife habitat across nine states. The grants will leverage $107.3 million in public and private matching funds for a total conservation impact of $112.9 million.

The Acres for America program is a nearly two-decades-long partnership between NFWF and Walmart.

Read the full story here Read more

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