Coyotes Win California Battle of Control

“I was chased by a coyote,” said Paul Randall, president of Carson Harbor Village Homeowners Association. “The only thing that kept the coyote from getting to me and my German shepherd was that I was able to get to a two-foot, eight-inch dowel that I have to protect myself. We are prisoners in our homes.”

So, the Association decided to snare the ‘yotes to gain their neighborhood back, but PETA and spaghetti-spined lawyers stepped in.  Their answer:  Increase liability insurance.   More here…

Rats Big as Cats

In the Florida Keys, an invasive exotic rat is causing problems and is an African species that can grow up to nine pounds and can be up to 35 inches long.   They arrived on Grassy Key sometime between 1999 and 2001, when they were released by a resident who had been breeding them.  Maybe they should release some cougars to balance things  out.  More here…

HSUS Wants to Ban Hunting Dogs

This from the Outdoor Wire:

Here is a warning to California hunters from the Western Outdoor News ( that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) appears to be commencing a campaign against California’s hunting dogs. HSUS is supporting SB 1221, a bill that would ban the hunting of bears and bobcats with dogs. Read more

Raining Crows

By Glen Wunderlich

A business associate once told me that advice was only worth what one pays for it.  Well, here’s some advice that breaks that mold.

L-R, Matt, Shawn, and Glen and crows

When it comes to crow hunting, I’ve tried it all, but until recently, nothing seemed to help significantly.  Magnum hand-brewed shotshell loads worthy of bringing down orbiting space junk didn’t improve results.  Extra-full chokes, same thing.  Bags of motionless decoys?  Leave ‘em home.  The owl decoy everyone seems to want to interject into the action?  Not necessary.  Mouth-blown crow calls?  Good luck learning the language.  Heavy shot?  Save it for turkeys.

But, after years of experimenting, there appears to be promise for my crow-hunting comrades, Shawn Weaver, Matt Arnold and me, because our results have improved since we began our three-man hunts. Read more

What Matt Morrett Learned from a PhD Gobbler Named Bubba

By Matt Morrett as Told to John E. Phillips

Every cowboy believes he can ride every bull he gets-on, and eachturkey veteran believes that he can take every turkey he hunts. But, PhDgobblers are as crafty and as smart as the bull that’s never been ridden.Matt Morrett is a multi-winner World Champion turkey caller and a professional hunterfor Hunter’s Specialties. One of the PhD gobblers who has learned his craft was a turkey named Bubba. Read more

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