BioLogic Unveils Amazing Fall Attraction in New Endurance Radish

BioLogic, the world’s leader in food plot research, has announced the development of a new, unique food plot planting. What if there were a plant that was irresistible to whitetails? What if the same planting helped to suppress weeds, improve soil nutrients, break up compacted soils and dramatically improved the soil for future crops? Most would say it sounds like we may have stumbled across “the magic bean,” but in this case it’s a new generation of radish developed for deer, introducing “BioLogic’s Endurance Radish!”
BioLogic’s exclusive New Zealand Endurance Radish is a unique, new generation of late flowering, soft-leaf type forage radish with high quality, large tuber and prolific leaf material. It is a new generation radish cultivar capable of growing extremely browse tolerant and nutrient-dense forage with advanced regrowth and cold tolerance over traditional radishes.
In testing we have found that in addition to the desirable cover crop characteristics described above, these new radishes are some of the most attractive plants to whitetails we have EVER seen. These radishes are brassicas, just like others that BioLogic has made famous, but are attractive to deer earlier during the season than many other brassica types. However, because of the superior browse tolerance of this new cultivar the plants will continue to pump out more forage, even after being browsed, providing nutrient-rich forage for months of attraction and herd health. They’re tough, too, in addition to being browse tolerant, they are drought tolerant and cold hardy, too. Read more