NDA Launches All-New Edition of Online Deer Steward 1

February 2, 2023 – The National Deer Association (NDA) is excited to announce the launch of the 3rd edition of their Deer Steward 1 online course. Deer Steward is the world’s foremost personal training on deer biology and land management, and the Level 1 online course has been rebuilt from the ground up to feature an updated look, new learning platform, a broader variety of topics, and the absolute latest deer and habitat research from the nation’s top researchers. The state-of-the-art video course is administered through Today’s Hunter, the official provider of online hunter safety education for all state wildlife agencies and the NDA’s own Deer Hunting 101 course.
“The third edition of Deer Steward 1 is the best educational resource available for anyone interested in deer and habitat management,” said Ben Westfall, NDA Conservation Coordinator. “The complete overhaul of the program gives folks the opportunity to learn about the newest deer research from some of the most renowned researchers in the country, some of which are featured in Deer Steward for the first time. This is an extremely powerful tool that has shown to have a major impact on land management throughout the country, and it continues to improve.” Read more