Vermont: New Laws on Coyote Hunting with Dogs, Recovery of Game and Furbearers, and Trapping Best Management Practices

Hunters and trappers need to be aware of new legislation taking effect
MONTPELIER, Vt. – The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says three new hunting or trapping related laws passed by the Vermont Legislature during the 2022 session are going into effect.
Under the new laws: hunting coyotes with dogs and training dogs to hunt coyotes will be temporarily banned in Vermont starting July 1; the retrieval and use of game and furbearing animals by hunters and trappers are now required with some exceptions; and the Fish and Wildlife Department is beginning a process with the Fish and Wildlife Board and Legislature to identify and implement new best management practices for trapping in the state.
“These laws are the outcome of a collaborative approach by legislators and the Fish and Wildlife Department,” said Christopher Herrick, Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife. “Vermonters care deeply and sometimes disagree vehemently about topics like wanton waste, hunting with dogs, and trapping. The three laws passed this session show that good public process backed by good science can guide us towards compromises that benefit wildlife and people.” Read more