Squirrels that can fly?

By Chris Hoving, adaptation specialist, DNR Wildlife Division


flying squirrelMichigan is perhaps the best state in the country to see flying squirrels, with more forest open to public recreation than any other state east of the Mississippi River. In fact, Michigan has the largest system of state forests in the country. Forests are the place to find flying squirrels, and the forest needs to be mature enough to have at least a few snags, or dead standing trees. Many different animals benefit from snags, including flying squirrels. Flying squirrels are not particular about what kind of forest they live in, although they prefer trees with nuts, such as beech, oak and hickory.


Not only do we have abundant habitat, but Michigan is home to two species of flying squirrel: the northern flying squirrel and the southern flying squirrel. Now, don’t let their names fool you – these squirrels don’t actually fly, they glide! They have a loose fold of skin along each side of the body, from ankle to wrist, which extends to form a kite-like surface that allows the squirrel to glide from tree to tree.


To anyone but an expert mammalogist, or another flying squirrel, northern and southern flying squirrels are nearly impossible to tell apart. Until recently, you could be pretty sure which species you had seen just from where in Michigan you spotted the squirrel. Northern and southern flying squirrels were in the northern and southern parts of the state, respectively. However, as the climate in Michigan has warmed over the past three decades, northern flying squirrels have become increasingly rare, and southern flying squirrels now can be found statewide.


The large eyes of the flying squirrel are adapted to seeing in the dark. Flying squirrels are almost entirely nocturnal, meaning they are only active at night and few people ever see them. When we do venture outside at night, most of us tend to look down to avoid tripping over obstacles in the dark. Sometime, stop a moment and try looking up. You just might catch a glimpse of a flying squirrel gliding overhead.