The Misguided Left and the Unguided Right

By Glen Wunderlich
March 10, 2009

The Obama administration is sure making progress but in what direction? Obama himself has articulated what a fiscal mess he inherited and admittedly finds himself in quite a hole. But, his answer appears to be to keep digging and eventually we’ll all come out on the other side and be happy once again. There’s got to be a better way!

Not surprisingly he still commands a lot of support. And, why not? Look at his appointments, who are ever in his debt for being rescued from manipulative positions as Washington lobbyists. No doubt Obama has kept many promises – misguided as they are. However, he sure forgot the one about not having any lobbyists on his team.

Moreover, just how loyal might those guilty of tax evasion be for not only being forgiven for their “mistakes”, but rewarded with the highest political positions in the nation? I’d say plenty. And, what about Speaker Pelosi who vowed to clean up the dirty politics. That wouldn’t be a lie; I’m sure they’d just call it a mistake. I mean, everybody makes them, don’t they?

Obama also receives staunch support from those with their hands out – and, that crowd is growing by the day.

In the end, Obama will not be judged by his good intentions; rather, he’ll be judged by the results he achieves. Those with outstretched hands will judge him well; those carrying the load will despise him, as Obama and his supporting cast of robber barrons extract more from the working people he claims to favor.

Although Republicans have stood against his plans, they’ve stood for nothing. The spineless leaders of the right have yet to find the courage to stand for conservatism – the principles that made this country the greatest nation in the world, and not the least of which principle is smaller government.

When conservatives finally get their voice, they’ll have a difficult time unseating the “Great Provider”. But, it can only be done with a vision that rewards hard work instead of a system that pays people not to work.

It’s simple enough but it will take more guts than anyone is currently displaying.