The Gun Control Hipocricy of Chicago’s Mayor Daley

BELLEVUE, WA – The capture of a convicted killer Monday near the Michigan vacation home of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley proves that guns in the right hands are necessary for personal safety, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

“Mayor Daley is protected by an armed guard,” said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, “but what about the citizens of his city, who have no such luxury? The mayor is a world class hypocrite, who has bodyguards with guns to protect him from escaped killers like Charles Smith. Yet he is continuing to stubbornly fight against average citizens who are willing to protect themselves, but unable to because of Daley’s deranged double standard about firearms and personal protection.”

The Second Amendment Foundation is challenging Chicago’s handgun ban and the case may be headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Smith broke out of prison with two other men, a rapist and another murderer, in Michigan City, Indiana. At last report the other two were still at large, and one is believed to be in the Grand Beach, MI area where Daley’s summer home is located. Authorities there have been warning residents to stay inside.

“While Daley can lounge in the protective shadow of armed bodyguards even when he is out of state,” Gottlieb added, “average citizens in Chicago and all over Illinois must contend with the mayor’s elitist attitude about gun ownership. Most people can’t afford armed bodyguards.

“So long as Daley fights to keep his fellow citizens unarmed,” he observed, “he does not deserve the protection of men with guns. Daley’s self-importance is of little interest to the single mom who worries about an ex-boyfriend, or the shop keeper trying to make an honest living in a neighborhood ruled by gang bangers and drug users.

“Richard Daley’s arrogance has been revealed by this incident,” Gottlieb concluded. “Take away his bodyguards and just tell him to dial 9-1-1 like the rest of us. No public official should place his own safety above that of his constituents.”