HSUS Lobbies Against Michigan Moose Hunt Possibilities

GW: The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has slithered into a campaign in Michigan to prevent a moose hunting season. Once again, there’s always someone or some group that opposes science-based wildlife management in order to further an agenda. In this case, as always with HSUS, it’s about preventing hunting.

Within a short period of time, HSUS will invoke emotion into the mix and plenty of people will buy it regardless of facts – and regardless of the fact that we pay the NRC to manage wildlife issues.

There’s simply no way that licensed, lawful sportsmen will do anything to jeopardize the future of moose hunting any more than has been done with the elk program in Michigan. It’s managed quite well based on the sustainable numbers we have year to year in partnership with the hunting aspect of game management.

Moose would be no different.